The Naked and the Dead Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 135 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Naked and the Dead Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 135 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is Dalleson's aspirations for his career?
(a) Return home and become a teacher.
(b) Retire from the Army.
(c) Become a Major.
(d) Become a Captain.

2. After firing a cannon to relieve some tension, Cummings returns to his tent feeling very good. He finds his journal which he keeps locked and begins to write, by the time he has finished his entry, how does Cummings feel about his words?
(a) They have no substance.
(b) They are meaningless.
(c) They are truthful.
(d) They are wise.

3. How is the leader of the patrol through pass killed?
(a) Bullet in the Chest.
(b) Fell off the mountian.
(c) Killed by Croft.
(d) Grenade.

4. What is the name of the mountain Croft is determined to climb?
(a) Mount Anaka.
(b) Mount Motome.
(c) Mount Anopopei.
(d) Mount Toykau.

5. After failing out of college, what profession did Brown take up?
(a) Construction.
(b) Sales.
(c) Factory work.
(d) The family business.

6. One night on the mountain, Martinez expresses his wish for a chaplain. At this, Polack tells the men his opinion of religion. How does Polack feel about religion?
(a) It is a money-making busines
(b) There is no truth to it.
(c) It gives people hope.
(d) It is a way of life.

7. Which soldier states he will re-enlist?
(a) Gallagher.
(b) Red.
(c) Martinez.
(d) Goldstein.

8. In Part 3, Chapter 13, who tries to bribe Martinez to defy Croft?
(a) Roth.
(b) Wyman.
(c) Gallagher.
(d) Red.

9. In Part 3, Chapter 2, how many miles does Hearn want to travel before dark?
(a) 20 miles.
(b) 5 miles.
(c) 10 miles.
(d) 15 miles.

10. There is an ongoing fear within each of the men in this story. However, during Part 3, Chapter 1, the men briefly forget this fear and the current state of their lives. What event causes this to occur?
(a) A break in fighting.
(b) The sunset.
(c) A celebration among the platoon.
(d) Letters from home.

11. Which soldier carrying Wilson pretends to faint?
(a) Stanley.
(b) Brown.
(c) Goldstein.
(d) Ridges.

12. At this point the soldiers have turned around and are making their way back to the beach. What is the general feeling of the soldiers toward Croft?
(a) Herosim.
(b) Confidence.
(c) Hatred.
(d) Friendship.

13. In Part 3, Chapter 4, how long did the men run before realizing that one of their men is not with them?
(a) 10 minutes.
(b) 15 minutes.
(c) 5 minutes.
(d) 20 minutes.

14. In Part 3, Chapter 9, how far could the men carrying Wilson go before having to take a break?
(a) 25 yards.
(b) 1 mile.
(c) 10 feet.
(d) 50 yards.

15. What does Minetta fantasize about?
(a) Blowing off his foot.
(b) Being home.
(c) Women.
(d) Killing Croft.

Short Answer Questions

1. As the soldier's carry Wilson to the beach, his continually complains that he is thirsty. However the men say he can not drink any water with his injury. What is the explanation they give Wilson for not being allowed any water?

2. The soldiers are tired and their health is beginning to fail, additionally recent events have dulled the man's spirits, however Croft does not seem to care. How do the soldiers feel about Crofts' decision to continue through the pass, given recent events?

3. As the troop continues up the mountain, the weight of the backpacks weighs them down, making it more difficult to hike. What does Wyman do to try to lighten his pack?

4. What job is Dalleson most confident at performing?

5. Brown is considering his current mission of carrying Wilson back to the beach and becomes angry with Croft for sending him. How is Brown's anger toward Croft for sending him with Wilson a contradiction?

(see the answer keys)

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