My Own Country: A Doctor's Story of a Town and Its People in the Age of AIDS Quiz | Eight Week Quiz E

Abraham Verghese
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 130 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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My Own Country: A Doctor's Story of a Town and Its People in the Age of AIDS Quiz | Eight Week Quiz E

Abraham Verghese
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 130 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
Buy the My Own Country: A Doctor's Story of a Town and Its People in the Age of AIDS Lesson Plans
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Chapters Fourteen through Nineteen.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. On June 10, 1987, what caused a mini traffic jam on Dogwood Avenue.
(a) A semi with a flat tire.
(b) Two ducks crossing the road.
(c) A minor fender bender.
(d) Two veterans shuffling across the road.

2. How many years did Otis live in California?
(a) 7 years.
(b) 9 years.
(c) 12 years.
(d) 5 years.

3. How many children did Bobby Keller have?
(a) 1.
(b) 2.
(c) 3.
(d) 4.

4. What did Abraham like to do on Sunday mornings?
(a) Go for walks with his family.
(b) Play tennis.
(c) Play golf.
(d) Go jogging.

5. On what floor of the hospital was Gordon placed when he was admitted?
(a) 4th.
(b) 3rd.
(c) 5th.
(d) 6th.

Short Answer Questions

1. How many hour shifts would Abraham pull on weekends during his internship and residency in Johnson City?

2. How old were the "girls" who worked in the offices of the tobacco warehouses calculating the worth of baskets of tobacco?

3. What subject did Abraham's parents teach?

4. Where does Abraham say that HIV came from?

5. What type of car did Vickie McCray drive?

(see the answer key)

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