Mind Prey Test | Final Test - Easy

John Sandford
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 126 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Mind Prey Test | Final Test - Easy

John Sandford
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 126 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What happened to the man who tried to break into the building?
(a) He was shot by Sloan.
(b) He was able to escape.
(c) He fell off of the building and was killed.
(d) He was shot by Mail.

2. How many policemen are helping Lucas with the interrogation of Helen and Nancy?
(a) 4.
(b) 2.
(c) 0.
(d) 1.

3. Who does Lucas interview to find out additional information about Crosby?
(a) Her mother.
(b) Her aunt.
(c) Her sister.
(d) Her father.

4. Where does Mail get stuck while trying to make his escape?
(a) Overpass.
(b) Parking lot.
(c) Storage place.
(d) Rail yard.

5. What does Lucas ask Roux to do if he asks her to?
(a) Cover for him with the media.
(b) Disappear for a few hours.
(c) Support his position with the FBI.
(d) Search for properties under Mail's alias identity.

6. Which of the following is not true about the message Sister Mary Joseph has translated for Lucas?
(a) It talks about a town called Stillwater.
(b) It talks about a Bit and Bridle.
(c) It says that the kidnapper has Crosby.
(d) It says that Andi is dying.

7. Which event below shows the desperation of Andi and Grace's situation?
(a) Having a child learn how to attack another person.
(b) Andi's broken psychological state.
(c) Grace's pleas to leave her mother alone.
(d) The success at finally getting the nail out of the beam.

8. What does Lucas find at the address he got from the van?
(a) A self-storage place.
(b) An old farmhouse.
(c) An apartment building.
(d) An empty lot.

9. How does Mail get another car after escaping the police perimeter?
(a) He does not get another car after escaping the perimeter.
(b) He carjacks a couple.
(c) He hotwires a police car.
(d) He steals one from an elderly lady.

10. What do the police that were assigned to watch his office tell Lucas?
(a) There has been no sign of Mail.
(b) They think this is a waste of their time.
(c) There are people in a van watching the building.
(d) The software designer has disappeared.

11. Why did the man attempt to break into the building?
(a) Because Dunn told him to.
(b) Because Mail told him to.
(c) Because he wanted to meet Ice.
(d) Because he planned on car jacking Lucas.

12. How does Mail handle the new warning his informant gives to him?
(a) He ignores it.
(b) He makes plans to move to a new area.
(c) He beats Andi more severely.
(d) He tells him to kill Lucas.

13. What information does Ice share with Lucas?
(a) Someone left a message on her car window.
(b) Someone has been calling her phone.
(c) Someone stopped her on the street this morning.
(d) Someone is watching her house.

14. How does Mail get away from Sherrill?
(a) He pretends to give up and then hits her.
(b) He throws Andi into Sherrill.
(c) He hides in a drainage ditch.
(d) He shoots her in the leg.

15. Who does the kidnapper call with the ransom demand?
(a) Crosby.
(b) Dunn.
(c) Lucas.
(d) Weather.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why did Crosby and Mail make it appear as if Mail had committed suicide?

2. Who becomes a new target of Mail's attraction?

3. At the end of chapter 27, where is Lucas heading?

4. Who is Ice?

5. What does Lucas convince Roux to do in regards to Mail?

(see the answer keys)

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