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Name: _________________________ | Period: ___________________ |
This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.
Multiple Choice Questions
1. Who does Grayson say took Maniac's buffalo rag clothes away?
(a) The street cleaners.
(b) The US Army.
(c) The Sanitation Department.
(d) The buffalo.
2. Why does Maniac get out of bed to go to the front door of the Beale's house?
(a) To let the dog in.
(b) To memorize the numbers of his new address.
(c) To make sure he is in the right house.
(d) To check to see if Mars Bar had followed him.
3. What does Mr. Cobble use the knot for?
(a) To draw in business.
(b) As a conversation piece.
(c) As a site seeing object.
(d) To tie leftover string pieces.
4. What is the first book Grayson reads cover to cover?
(a) "Mike Mulligan and His Steam Shovel".
(b) "The First Pitch".
(c) "The Little Engine That Could".
(d) "The Story of Babar".
5. When does Maniac return to school?
(a) Never.
(b) One month later.
(c) One week later.
(d) One year later.
6. Where does Maniac wind up after he runs from the baseball game?
(a) At the house where he ate spaghetti.
(b) In the East End of town.
(c) His shed at the zoo.
(d) At Amanda's house.
7. What changes in the Beale household now that Maniac is there?
(a) The children are better behaved.
(b) Amanda takes baths again with the children.
(c) The children start to tie their own shoes.
(d) The yellow bucket is used more.
8. Why does Amanda stay up late the night of her argument with Maniac?
(a) She is too angry to sleep.
(b) She is crying and can't sleep.
(c) He left and has not come home, so she waits for him.
(d) She had kicked the dog and hurt him.
9. What does John McNab do to the Green Sox team at the Little League game?
(a) He hits them with his fastball.
(b) He insults all of them with bad words.
(c) He strikes out sixteen hitters.
(d) He throws out everyone at first base.
10. Why do the people of Two Mills give Jeffrey his nickname?
(a) Jeffrey tells them his nickname is Maniac.
(b) They say it is the name of the book that he was reading.
(c) After all of Jeffrey's stunts, they figure he is a maniac.
(d) They think he is odd, so they give him an odd name.
11. What does Maniac say trash words have in common with church words?
(a) A musical tone.
(b) Nothing.
(c) Volume.
(d) Soul.
12. Why does Grayson not know how to read?
(a) He never went to school.
(b) He has a learning disability.
(c) He heard his teacher say he was never going to learn to read.
(d) His parents were drunks.
13. What is the confetti made out of that the townspeople throw for Maniac's celebration of untying the knot?
(a) Newspaper.
(b) Lyle, Lye Crocodile.
(c) The Children's Crusade.
(d) Amanda's Encyclopedia.
14. What do Grayson and Maniac buy at Woolworths?
(a) An alphabet poster.
(b) A blackboard and chalk.
(c) A baseball glove.
(d) Picture books.
15. With what is Finsterwald's backyard filled?
(a) Children.
(b) Gravestones.
(c) Balls and Frisbees.
(d) Cats.
Short Answer Questions
1. What is the prize for untying the Cobble's Knot?
2. Why doesn't McNab want to pitch to Maniac?
3. What do Maniac and Grayson do on Thanksgiving Day in the cold?
4. What does Maniac want to do when he finds Amanda crying on her doorstep?
5. With what does Mars Bar Thompson challenge Maniac?
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