Magician, Master Test | Final Test - Easy

Raymond E. Feist
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 140 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Magician, Master Test | Final Test - Easy

Raymond E. Feist
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 140 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is suggested might kill Thomas?
(a) Too much drink.
(b) Battle.
(c) Guilt.
(d) Marrying the queen.

2. Who helps Laurie and Kasumi get out of Krondor?
(a) Anita.
(b) The Mockers.
(c) Trevor Hull.
(d) No one.

3. What does Milamber do when he becomes angry?
(a) Kills the Warlord.
(b) Challenges the Warlord.
(c) Makes all the weapons disappear.
(d) Kills the Emperor.

4. What does Amos do at the end of the book?
(a) Steals Lyam's ship.
(b) Gets married.
(c) Buys a farm.
(d) Becomes admiral of the navy.

5. What did the king say about Guy du Bas-Tyra before dying?
(a) He is to be sent to the Tsurani.
(b) He was to be given mercy.
(c) He and his family were to be banished.
(d) He was to be hanged.

6. What does Lyam say about the peace offering?
(a) He rejects it.
(b) He decides to take it.
(c) He will think about it.
(d) He doesn't say anthing.

7. What kind of king do the people think Lyam will make?
(a) A great king.
(b) A poor king.
(c) A terrible king.
(d) A good king.

8. What does Brucal tell Lyam?
(a) He must return to Crydee.
(b) He must return to Krondor.
(c) He must accept Rodric's proclamation for now.
(d) He must get married.

9. What does Milamber tell Kamatsu?
(a) He is taking over the house.
(b) He wants Halaga punished.
(c) He is taking his family and Laurie.
(d) He will take three slaves with him.

10. To whom does Macros leave his library?
(a) To the elves.
(b) To the university at Krondor.
(c) Lyam.
(d) Pug and Kulgan.

11. What does Arutha vow to do if necessary for the kingdom?
(a) Take over the throne.
(b) Kill Lyam.
(c) Kill Martin.
(d) Kill Guy du Bas-Tyra.

12. What does Kasumi ask?
(a) To return to his people.
(b) To fight with Midkemia.
(c) To offer another peace treaty.
(d) To stay in Crydee.

13. What does King Rodric tell Lyam when he arrives?
(a) Pug is a traitor and will be hanged.
(b) Lyam is a traitor and will be hanged.
(c) Laurie is a spy for the Tsurani.
(d) Lyam is now the Duke.

14. With whom do Laurie and Kasumi speak to request an audience with the king?
(a) The head housekeeper.
(b) The captain of the guard.
(c) His appointment secretary.
(d) The Royal Chancellor, Duke Caldric.

15. How are Laurie and Kasumi dressed?
(a) Like Great Ones.
(b) In Midkemian fashion.
(c) Like Midkemian royalty.
(d) Like soldiers.

Short Answer Questions

1. What message arrives from the Emperor?

2. What does Arutha do after the coronation?

3. What wakes Thomas as he sleeps with the queen?

4. What does Macros tell Thomas?

5. Why does Thomas attack the Tsurani at the peace talks?

(see the answer keys)

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