The Little Prince Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 178 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Little Prince Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 178 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does the discoverer of the little prince's planet do in order to be taken seriously?
(a) He writes a scientifice treatise and gets it published.
(b) He speaks slowly and clearly.
(c) He wears European clothing.
(d) He demands that he be heard.

2. What does the little prince call the red-faced gentleman who is the businessman?
(a) "He is a terrible excuse for a human being!"
(b) "He should be ashamed of himself!"
(c) "He is not a man--he is a mushroom!"
(d) "He clearly has high blood pressure and should soon explode!"

3. How many petals do the ordinary flowers on the prince's planet have?
(a) Three.
(b) None, they are spikes.
(c) Three hundred.
(d) One.

4. What does the narrator think of adults?
(a) They are too tall.
(b) They don't have much imagination.
(c) They are mean.
(d) They wear nice neckties.

5. How long is the little prince willing to applaud the conceited man?
(a) Forty four claps.
(b) The little prince refuses to applaud him at all.
(c) The rest of his lifetime.
(d) Five minutes.

6. Why does the little prince weed his planet every morning?
(a) He is a workaholic.
(b) It is the law on his world that everyone weed each morning.
(c) He likes playing in the dirt.
(d) To keep the dangerous plants from taking root.

7. What is the tippler doing?
(a) Drinking to cure his dehydration.
(b) Drinking to forget.
(c) Drinking to remember.
(d) Drinking to find the best wine.

8. Why is the flower not afraid of large animals?
(a) She believes her claws, her thorns, will protect her.
(b) She is overconfident and not very realistic about life.
(c) She doesn't think there are any large animals on the planet.
(d) She has the power of speech and will talk them out of harming her.

9. On his planet what does the little prince heat his breakfast on?
(a) Either one of his two active volcanoes.
(b) The heat of the nearby sun.
(c) He eats his breakfast cold.
(d) A large cookstove.

10. What is the businessman doing when the prince first comes across him?
(a) Reading the newspaper.
(b) Counting the stars.
(c) Watching television.
(d) Dreaming.

11. The six-year-old child gave up being an artist and chose to become what?
(a) An engineer.
(b) A zoo keeper.
(c) A gardener.
(d) A pilot.

12. What does the little prince do so that he can see the maximum number of sunsets on his planet?
(a) He runs around the planet very fast before the sun sets again.
(b) He closes his eyes for ten seconds.
(c) He stands on his head and then sits down again.
(d) He moves his chair a few steps.

13. What is the subject of the drawing in Chapter I?
(a) A little planet.
(b) Two volcanos.
(c) A boa constrictor.
(d) A rose.

14. Why does the pilot get so cross with the little prince in Chapter II?
(a) The little prince keeps running off.
(b) The pilot is trying to fix his engine and the little prince keeps asking him about inconsequential things.
(c) The little prince is very lazy and sleeps all day.
(d) The little prince won't get the pilot a glass of water.

15. What does the little prince love to watch?
(a) Shooting stars.
(b) The sunset.
(c) A flower growing.
(d) The sandstorm that is heading their way.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who says, "Where I live everything is very small"?

2. How small is the planet where the prince comes from, as described in Chapter III?

3. What is another word that the translator might have used instead of tippler?

4. What does the conceited man want?

5. How many thorns does the prince's unique flower have?

(see the answer keys)

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