The Light in the Forest Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 132 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Light in the Forest Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 132 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why was True Son tied up?
(a) The guards did not like his Indian ways.
(b) He tried to kill one of the guards.
(c) He wanted to escape the guards.
(d) All of the whites captives were tied up.

2. True Son decides that the English people are so pale for what reason?
(a) Because they are not an original people.
(b) Because they are lazy and do not work outside.
(c) Because they always wear hats.
(d) Because of the way their houses are built.

3. What does True Son imagine that his family will leave with his body after he is dead?
(a) Flowers.
(b) Feathers.
(c) Food for his journey.
(d) His favorite possessions.

4. When Half Arrow shows up, who does he say that he is?
(a) Between-the-logs.
(b) True Son.
(c) Cuyloga.
(d) Make Daylight.

5. What is the name of True Son's Indian father?
(a) Hawk Eyes.
(b) Cuyloga.
(c) Ouachita.
(d) Lone Wolf.

6. What keeps True Son awake on his first night in the Butler house?
(a) His little brother won't stop talking.
(b) Not being able to sleep outside.
(c) Being surrounded by his enemies.
(d) The sound of Del snoring.

7. Where was True Son originally from?
(a) Connecticut.
(b) Pennsylvania.
(c) Virginia.
(d) Delaware.

8. The whites immediately start lifting the clothes of the returned captives. Why?
(a) They are looking for birthmarks.
(b) They are making fun of the sewing.
(c) They do not approve of the Indian garnments.
(d) They are curious about the clothes.

9. What is the master language of Indians?
(a) Delaware.
(b) Cherokee.
(c) Chipawa.
(d) Arapaho.

10. True Son tells himself that he will have to listen to whose counsel from now on?
(a) Del's.
(b) Little Crain's bride.
(c) His own.
(d) His white father.

11. How long has True Son lived with the Indians?
(a) Six years.
(b) Thirteen years.
(c) One year.
(d) Eleven years.

12. Cuyloga wants True Son to remember Cuyloga killing what enemy whose tribe is at war with Cuyloga's tribe?
(a) A Mohawk.
(b) A Cherokee.
(c) A white soldier.
(d) A bear.

13. What does Del Hardy do when he first sees Fort Pitt?
(a) Del finds a place to sleep.
(b) Del salutes the British flag.
(c) Del throws his cap in the air.
(d) Del calls the party to a stop.

14. What relative is waiting at the door for True Son's arrival, along with True Son's brother?
(a) Uncle Sam.
(b) Grandpa Herman.
(c) Aunt Kate.
(d) Grandma Stella.

15. What does Del try to convince True Son of during their first encounters?
(a) That he is white.
(b) That he will never fit in with the whites.
(c) That he should wear white clothing.
(d) That he should run away.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is the red-haired guard called?

2. What does True Son say when he first reunites with his white father?

3. What is True Son's little brother's name?

4. Why is True Son disappointed that Del is accompanying him and his white father?

5. What made True Son forget about killing himself?

(see the answer keys)

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