Light in August Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 136 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Light in August Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 136 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Where does Christmas get a job?
(a) At the planing mill
(b) At the gas station
(c) At the dry goods store
(d) At the bus station

2. What does Hightower's grandfather wear during the Civil War?
(a) A plain pair of pants and simple shirt
(b) A minister's frock
(c) A foreign uniform
(d) A business suit

3. What does Christmas come to understand about women?
(a) When they finally surrender completely, it is going to be in words.
(b) They are basically the same no matter what their age.
(c) They are all very moody at times.
(d) Some are always going to be good and some are always going to be bad for you.

4. What does Christmas do on the side without telling Miss Burden?
(a) Takes art classes
(b) Sells drugs
(c) Sees other women
(d) Sells whiskey

5. What does Brown give to the Negro boy in the woods?
(a) A note asking for the reward money to be brought to Brown in the woods
(b) The threat of a beating if the boy tells about Brown's location
(c) A piece of candy he had in his pocket
(d) A harmonica to play so he will not be scared in the dark woods

Short Answer Questions

1. The sheriff has his men beat a Negro so that he will them what?

2. What does the deputy tell the sheriff about Lena?

3. Why does Lena move into the cabin?

4. Who does Byron bring to Hightower's house?

5. Who moves into the cabin with Christmas?

Short Essay Questions

1. The cries of Lena's newborn child are significant for Byron. Why?

2. Why are the townspeople anxious to find Miss Burden's killer?

3. Explain the irony in Miss Burden's nearly nymphomaniac behavior?

4. Other than the fact that he is a good person, why does Hightower feel the need to help Christmas?

5. What is the symbolism of the odor in Hightower's house?

6. How does Mrs. Hines indirectly cause the death of Christmas, her grandson?

7. Why does Byron force an encounter with Brown after Brown flees from Lena in the cabin?

8. Why does Christmas refuse to marry Miss Burden and raise a family?

9. New life has significance in more than one way in this chapter. Explain.

10. Why do the Negroes of Mottstown support Mr. Hines who preaches white supremacy in Negro churches?

(see the answer keys)

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