Light in August Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 136 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Light in August Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 136 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. A negro awakens the sheriff at his home to tell him that a white man has terrorized some black people ____________.
(a) at church
(b) at the sawmill
(c) at a bus station
(d) at a restaurant

2. Why will Lena not accept Byron's marriage proposal?
(a) Because Byron is sexually unattractive to her
(b) Because Byron is of a different religious belief
(c) Because she has not seen Joe Brown/Lucas Burch yet
(d) Because Byron does not make enough money to support her

3. What does Hightower learn when he returns to town?
(a) That Byron has stolen money from his Bible
(b) That Byron has quit his job and left town without saying goodbye
(c) That Byron has admitted to murdering Miss Burden
(d) That Byron wants to see Christmas hanged

4. Of what does Hightower accuse Byron of doing?
(a) Selling out Christmas to help his pregnant girlfriend's lover get the thousand-dollar reward
(b) Running bootleg whiskey with Christmas
(c) Hiding the whereabouts of Lena's former lover
(d) Initiating an inappropriate relationship with the pregnant Lena

5. Of what does Hightower think his mother died?
(a) Diabetes
(b) Heart trouble
(c) Malnutrition
(d) Cancer

6. How do the authorities know where Christmas is hiding?
(a) Jim Brown tells out of vengeance.
(b) He is seen running to his hiding place.
(c) Some nosy neighbors call the police.
(d) Christmas gives himself up.

7. What does Christmas do on the side without telling Miss Burden?
(a) Sells whiskey
(b) Sees other women
(c) Sells drugs
(d) Takes art classes

8. What does Brown give to the Negro boy in the woods?
(a) The threat of a beating if the boy tells about Brown's location
(b) A note asking for the reward money to be brought to Brown in the woods
(c) A harmonica to play so he will not be scared in the dark woods
(d) A piece of candy he had in his pocket

9. How does Milly Hines die?
(a) In a house fire
(b) By taking sleeping pills
(c) Giving birth to Christmas
(d) In a car accident

10. What does Christmas come to understand about women?
(a) They are all very moody at times.
(b) Some are always going to be good and some are always going to be bad for you.
(c) They are basically the same no matter what their age.
(d) When they finally surrender completely, it is going to be in words.

11. Where does the stranger take Christmas?
(a) Memphis
(b) Jefferson
(c) Chicago
(d) Mottstown

12. What happens after Miss Burden opens up about her family history?
(a) Miss Burden asks Christmas to marry her.
(b) Christmas gets bored with Miss Burden's cloying presence.
(c) She lets Christmas eat in the kitchen and meet her in her bedroom later.
(d) Christmas makes fun of the woman's version of history.

13. What does the deputy tell the sheriff about Lena?
(a) That Lucas Burch is trying to find Lena.
(b) That Lena is nothing but a troublemaker and should be run out of town.
(c) That Joe Brown is also Lucas Burch and the father of Lena's unborn child.
(d) That Lena has asked the deputy to help her find Lucas Burch.

14. The sheriff has his men beat a Negro so that he will them what?
(a) That no one would ever hurt Miss Burden
(b) That Miss Burden had a lot of enemies
(c) That Christmas and Brown lived in the cabin
(d) That Miss Burden was crazy

15. What are the townspeople eager for over Miss Burden's death?
(a) the process of justice
(b) a conviction
(c) a suspect
(d) vengeance

Short Answer Questions

1. What happens after Byron approaches Brown near the railroad tracks?

2. Who do the townspeople think inspired Christmas to attempt an escape?

3. What does Hightower ask Lena to do when he returns to the cabin later that day?

4. Where does Christmas get a job?

5. Where does Christmas go when he escapes from jail and where he is eventually killed?

(see the answer keys)

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