Legend Test | Final Test - Medium

Marie Lu
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 236 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Legend Test | Final Test - Medium

Marie Lu
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 236 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. During his interview with Day, what does Thomas reveal about himself?
(a) He has been in love with June for years.
(b) His family pulled strings to get him assigned to Jameson's patrol.
(c) He was one point short of a perfect Trial score.
(d) He, too, grew up poor.

2. Where do the soldiers take Day after his leg is operated on?
(a) The platform in front of Batalla Hall.
(b) The roof of Batalla Hall.
(c) His cell.
(d) An interrogation room.

3. Which is the only crime Day is charged with that he will not confess to?
(a) Metias's murder.
(b) The hospital break-in.
(c) The bank robbery.
(d) Setting military planes on fire.

4. On page 236, when June talks about speaking cautiously, and she says "I tread carefully," what figure of speech is she using?
(a) Personification.
(b) Simile.
(c) Idiom.
(d) Hyperbole.

5. What reason does June give Day for having asked that Day's bullet wound be bandaged?
(a) She wants to show her gratitude for his having saved her after the Skiz fight.
(b) She is starting to feel sorry for him and question his guilt.
(c) She does not want him to die before he can be executed.
(d) She is upset over the violence that took place during his capture.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Day do on page 259 that infuriates Jameson and causes her to throw him against a wall?

2. What emotion does June think Thomas is feeling when he asks about whether Day kissed her?

3. When June and Thomas are at dinner, what does he say he will tell Commander Jameson?

4. What characteristic of Day's seems to impress Jameson the most?

5. What is Day talking about on page 304 when he says, "You try to walk in the light"?

Short Essay Questions

1. What advice does Metias give June about her actions after she learns the truth about the Republic?

2. What happens when June meets the Elector Primo's son?

3. When June finds Kaede, what favor does she ask of the woman, and how does Kaede respond?

4. Why does Day think that Thomas is not really interested in his answers to Thomas's questions about the Patriots, and what does he think is really bothering Thomas?

5. What does Jameson tell Day about his appearance?

6. What does the reader learn about John from June's thoughts about questioning him?

7. After Day is recaptured during his escape attempt, what story does Jameson tell him?

8. Describe the code that Metias leaves for June.

9. In Day's dream, what happens with the street policeman?

10. Describe the Republic's real plague program.

(see the answer keys)

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