The Law of Love Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 161 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Law of Love Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 161 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. After analyzing the African violet, what does Azucena use Cuquita's invention to analyze?
(a) An antique radio.
(b) A plate.
(c) A spoon.
(d) A photo.

2. What invention does Cuquita share with Azucena?
(a) An Animal Speaker.
(b) A cybernetic Ouija.
(c) A machine that predicts the future.
(d) An auric camera.

3. What does Mammon claim will happen if chaos ends?
(a) He will lose his job.
(b) Isabel will fall from power.
(c) There will be no need for government.
(d) Life itself will end with it.

4. What is the setting for chapter eleven?
(a) The Planet Korma, and return to Earth.
(b) Twenty third century Mexico City.
(c) The capital of Mexico at the time of the conquest.
(d) The port of Veracruz.

5. What does Isabel's team discover in Ex-Azucena's brain?
(a) A horrible injury.
(b) That she has an implant.
(c) Cancer.
(d) A parasite.

6. What does Azucena beg Anacreonte for?
(a) A return to life.
(b) Safety for her friends.
(c) The baby born from her ex-body.
(d) Connection with her Twin Soul.

7. What happens as Azucena and her friends are chased by the police?
(a) There is an earthquake.
(b) Isabel arrives and begins to threaten Azucena.
(c) Rodrigo runs from the group.
(d) Azucena falls and breaks her leg.

8. Who narrates chapter fourteen?
(a) Azucena's Guardian Angel.
(b) Isabel.
(c) Mammon.
(d) Azucena.

9. What do we learn in chapter eleven about Ex-Azucena's body?
(a) It has a deadly illness.
(b) It is pregnant.
(c) It is lost in the volcanic explosion.
(d) It has been injured on Korma.

10. Which one of Azucena's companions dies in the police chase?
(a) Cuquita.
(b) Cuquita's grandmother.
(c) Rodrigo.
(d) Citlali.

11. How does Azucena feel about having someone stay at her home?
(a) She felt overwhelmed by the silence in her home, despite having a guest.
(b) She felt delighted to distract herself from thinking of the loss of her Twin Soul.
(c) She felt invaded.
(d) She felt excited.

12. What does Azucena discover about the Pyramid of Love?
(a) She cannot find the capstone.
(b) She realizes that she saw it in an earlier life, just before dying, and that by finding it, she would know where she died.
(c) It is powerful.
(d) Something wonderful happened to her there in a past life.

13. What does Rodrigo remember, with Azucena's help, on the way back to Earth?
(a) How he once murdered a man in a past life, for no reason.
(b) How his mother sang to him as a child, which made him more feel safe and secure, and finally allowed to calm down.
(c) How he was raped in a past life, and how he had raped before that in another life.
(d) How he was abandoned as a child, which is why he has always felt like a loner.

14. What does Azucena practice on her way to the planet Korma?
(a) Kissing.
(b) Her public speaking skills.
(c) Performing a traditional dance.
(d) Introducing herself.

15. What does Azucena's Guardian Angel fear losing?
(a) His grasp on reality.
(b) His relationship with Lilith.
(c) His job.
(d) His influence on Azucena.

Short Answer Questions

1. How is Azucena raised?

2. What does Anacreonte run through with Azucena before giving her what she wants?

3. In chapter thirteen, who does Cuquita claim that she has to live with?

4. Who does Rodrigo fall in love with after returning to Earth?

5. What causes Isabel to pass out?

(see the answer keys)

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