Lady Audley's Secret Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 131 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Lady Audley's Secret Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 131 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why does George return to England shortly before Robert's planned trip to Australia?
(a) To recover his lost luggage.
(b) To renew his acquaintanceship with his good friend.
(c) To take custody of his child.
(d) To plot revenge against Helen.

2. What proof does Luke have to support his story of George's fall into the well?
(a) George's buried body.
(b) George's new address.
(c) George's wallet.
(d) Two letters written by George to Lady Audley and Robert.

3. Who begins to have doubts about Lady Audley's accusations against Robert?
(a) Alicia Audley.
(b) Phoebe.
(c) Lord Audley.
(d) Luke.

4. Why do Robert and Clara plan a trip to Australia?
(a) To claim George's fortune.
(b) To show Georgie where his father made his fortune.
(c) To look for George.
(d) To check on George's property there.

5. Why does Clara chase Robert out of Halcourt Talboys house?
(a) To apologize for Halcourt's behavior.
(b) To convince him to keep looking for George or his killer.
(c) To ask about George's child.
(d) To tell him what she knows about Helen Talboys.

6. Why is Robert determined to prove Lady Audley's connection to George's disappearance?
(a) To protect his uncle.
(b) To force Lady Audley to be his lover.
(c) To extort money from Lady Audley.
(d) A loyalty to his friend and respect for his sister.

7. What does Lady Audley imagine is driving her mad with anticipation?
(a) Waiting for news of Luke and Robert's deaths.
(b) Waiting for news of George's death.
(c) Waiting for the news of the fire.
(d) Waiting for news of her son's death.

8. What does Lady Audley claim happened to her mother when she was only an infant?
(a) She went insane.
(b) She was disinherited by her wealthy father.
(c) She died in childbirth.
(d) She commited suicide.

9. Who does Robert finally marry in the final pages of the book?
(a) Alicia.
(b) Helen.
(c) Clara.
(d) Lucy.

10. Why does Robert return to Audley Court?
(a) To live in Audley Court now that it is vacant.
(b) To remove Lady Audley's things.
(c) To find and bury George.
(d) To close up the house for his uncle.

11. Why does Robert call a doctor to examine Lady Audley?
(a) Because of her family history of madness.
(b) Because she has begun to run a fever.
(c) Because of her odd behavior.
(d) Because he is afraid she might hurt herself.

12. What item does Phoebe give to Lady Audley?
(a) A baby slipper.
(b) A picture.
(c) A book.
(d) A letter.

13. How does the item Mrs. Balkham gives to Robert connect Lady Audley to Helen Talboys?
(a) It mentions a friendshipw ith Lady Audley.
(b) It is in Lady Audley's handwriting, but signed Helen Talboys.
(c) It describes an extortion attempt on Lady Audley.
(d) It expresses Helen's intention to become Lady Audley.

14. What prompts Lady Audley to confess all to Lord Audley?
(a) Luke's accusation that she killed George.
(b) Robert's survival of the fire.
(c) Luke's death.
(d) Phoebe's insistence that Lady Audley paid her to start the fire.

15. Where does George reveal he has been all this time?
(a) Australia.
(b) China.
(c) America.
(d) Russia.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Robert take from the item Lucy Graham left behind with her former employer?

2. Why does Lady Audley say she felt the need to kill her husband?

3. What did Robert think Lady Audley would do when he confronted her with proof of her secret?

4. What does Lady Audley say she did after George abandoned her?

5. How does Robert reveal what he feels about Alicia?

(see the answer keys)

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