Lady Audley's Secret Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 131 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Lady Audley's Secret Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 131 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Clara say is Halcourt Talboys' reason for treating Robert and his news as he did?
(a) Halcourt thinks George's disappearance is a trick to regain his lost inheritance.
(b) Halcourt never liked George anyway.
(c) Halcourt is senile.
(d) Halcourt killed George himself.

2. Whose room does Lady Audley lock before leaving Mount Stanning?
(a) Luke's.
(b) George's.
(c) Robert's.
(d) Phoebe's.

3. What name does Helen Talboys/Lady Audley take while in the sanitarium?
(a) Mrs. Talboys.
(b) Mrs. Taylor.
(c) Mrs. Maldon.
(d) Mrs. Padson.

4. Why does Robert not go to the police with Lady Audley's secret?
(a) To protect George's family name.
(b) To protect a woman he has come to love.
(c) To protect George's son.
(d) To protect the family name.

5. How does Lady Audley make herself cry when she goes to speak to Lord Audley?
(a) She draws on the stress of Robert's investigation.
(b) She cuts up onions.
(c) She imagines Lord Audley asking for a divorce.
(d) She pinches herself.

6. Why does Alicia write Robert and promise that she is keeping Sir Michael as busy as possible?
(a) So he will not become ill with grief.
(b) So he will not try to rescue Lady Audley from the hospital.
(c) So he will not return to Audley Court too soon.
(d) So he will not think of his wife.

7. Who does Robert finally marry in the final pages of the book?
(a) Helen.
(b) Lucy.
(c) Alicia.
(d) Clara.

8. What does Lady Audley say she did after George abandoned her?
(a) Worked.
(b) Abandoned her child.
(c) Faked her death.
(d) Sought a divorce.

9. What is Halcourt's reaction to Robert's visit?
(a) Anger.
(b) Disinterest.
(c) Happiness.
(d) Shock.

10. Why is Phoebe unhappy owning an inn?
(a) Because the guests are too demanding.
(b) Because they do not make enough money.
(c) Because her husband has become a drunkard.
(d) Because the work is too hard.

11. Who finally arrives at Audley Court with news of the fire at Mount Stanning?
(a) Luke.
(b) Phoebe.
(c) Robert.
(d) A groom.

12. Why did Lady Audley fake her death?
(a) To free herself to marry again, this time for love.
(b) To free herself to marry again, this time for money.
(c) To free herself from her alcoholic father.
(d) To free herself from her child.

13. Why does Lady Audley claim that Helen Talboys married George Talboys?
(a) For love.
(b) For her father.
(c) For his money.
(d) For the sake of the child.

14. Why does Robert visit Halcourt Talboys?
(a) To inform him of George's probable death.
(b) To ask for help in his investigation.
(c) To ask if he has seen George lately.
(d) To inform him of his investigation.

15. Who requests to speak with Robert upon his return to Essex?
(a) Phoebe Marks.
(b) Lady Audley.
(c) Luke Marks.
(d) Alicia Audley.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Lady Audley claim she attempted to do when George first confronted her with the truth?

2. Why does Robert believe Lady Audley might leave Audley Court without his interference?

3. Where did Lime Walk get its name?

4. Why does Lord Audley banish Robert from Audley Court?

5. What does Lord Audley insist does not run in the Audley family genes?

(see the answer keys)

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