Lady Audley's Secret Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 131 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Lady Audley's Secret Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 131 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why does Robert request an invitation to visit Audley Court in Chapter 7 of Volume 1?
(a) To visit his uncle and give George more vacation time.
(b) To inquire as to his inheritance.
(c) To visit his uncle and meet his new aunt.
(d) To visit his cousin, the love of his life.

2. Why does Phoebe let her fiance into Lady Audley's rooms?
(a) To steal her money.
(b) To admire her belongings.
(c) To steal her clothing.
(d) To admire her new portrait.

3. How is Robert Audley related to Lord Audley who was introduced in Chapter 1 of Volume 1?
(a) Brother.
(b) Cousin.
(c) Nephew.
(d) Son.

4. To what village do Robert and his friend travel?
(a) Grenwich.
(b) Audley.
(c) Isle of Wight.
(d) Smithville.

5. Where does Lady Audley go after leaving Robert?
(a) Wildernsea.
(b) Audley Court.
(c) Isle of Wight.
(d) London.

6. Which house guest proposes marriage to Alicia Audley?
(a) Sir Richard Dawson.
(b) Sir Harry Towers.
(c) George Talboys.
(d) Robert Audley.

7. What recreation do George and Robert decide to participate in in Chapter 9 of Volume 1?
(a) Cricket.
(b) Fishing.
(c) Rugby.
(d) Golfing.

8. Who does Robert think might have had reason to enter his apartment?
(a) Helen Talboys.
(b) Captain Maldon.
(c) Lady Audley.
(d) George Talboys.

9. What item does Robert see that seems to support the idea that George has left England?
(a) A letter.
(b) An inscription in a book.
(c) A telegram.
(d) A newspaper article.

10. Why does Lord Audley believe Alicia turned down a proposal made to her?
(a) A crush on the neighbor's son.
(b) A crush on her cousin.
(c) A crush on the groom.
(d) A crush on a schoolmate.

11. What form of transportation does Robert believe George took on his trip?
(a) Ship.
(b) Wagon train.
(c) Carriage.
(d) Train.

12. How does Captain Maldon react to the news that someone he knows has been killed?
(a) With indifference.
(b) With shock.
(c) Without surprise.
(d) With excitment.

13. Where is the first place Robert searches for George?
(a) London.
(b) Wildernsea.
(c) Essex.
(d) Ilse of Wight.

14. What do Phoebe and Luke find in Lady Audley's jewelry box?
(a) A baby slipper and a snippet of hair.
(b) A diamond brooch.
(c) A picture of Helen Talboys.
(d) A love letter from Robert Audley.

15. How does Lady Audley avoid being introduced to George Talboys in Chapter 7 of Volume 1?
(a) She claims an appointment.
(b) She claims fatigue.
(c) She claims blindness.
(d) She claims a contagious disease.

Short Answer Questions

1. From where has this friend of Robert's just returned?

2. Where does Robert believe George has gone when he wakes by the river?

3. Why is the invitation to Audley Court revoked in Chapter 7 of Volume 1?

4. With whom is Robert's friend hoping to reconnect?

5. Where did Phoebe and her new husband get the money to purchase their new business?

(see the answer keys)

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