I, Claudius Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 118 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

I, Claudius Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 118 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What book did Tiberius take with him?
(a) An encyclopedia of pornography
(b) Livia's book
(c) A history of Augustus's reign
(d) Ovid's

2. What was the biggest obstacle to the plot to assassinate Caligula?
(a) The German bodyguards were fanatically devoted to him.
(b) Caligula had a strong network of spies in the palace.
(c) No one was sure if Caligula was mortal or immortal.
(d) Most of the people in Rome still loved Caligula.

3. Why does Claudius not want to be emperor?
(a) He knows that he will abuse the position.
(b) He fears that he will be killed.
(c) He just wants to live quietly.
(d) He wants Rome to be a republic.

4. Where did Tiberius live once he left Rome?
(a) On the island of Capri
(b) In the town of Lyons
(c) In a villa in Pompeii
(d) In the city of Capua

5. Where is Senator Gallus when the Roman Guards come to arrest him?
(a) Seeing Agrippina off at the harbor
(b) Just outside the Senate building
(c) Eating dinner with Tiberius
(d) Returning to Rome from his villa

Short Answer Questions

1. What happens to Nero's brother, Drusus?

2. Who speaks at Livia's funeral?

3. What, according to Claudius, was a great turning point in Tiberius's reign?

4. With Tiberius gone, who was left in charge of the Roman Empire?

5. What does Urgulanilla say about Claudius in her will?

Short Essay Questions

1. What does Claudius hope will happen once Caligula announces his new status as a God?

2. What reason does Livia give for Tiberius making Caligula his successor?

3. How does Caligula manage to ride a horse across the Bay of Baiæ?

4. What does Cassius threaten to do if the other conspirators refuse to go through with the plot?

5. How does Caligula wage war on Neptune?

6. How does Calpurnia help Claudius avoid being tried for treason during Caligula's reign?

7. Who does Germanicus accuse of murdering him?

8. Who are the three main conspirators in the plot to assassinate Caligula?

9. What advice does Calpurnia give Claudius about his position in the palace?

10. Why does Claudius advise Agrippina to make friends with Nerva and Vipsania?

(see the answer keys)

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