How I Live Now Test | Final Test - Easy

Meg Rosoff
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 118 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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How I Live Now Test | Final Test - Easy

Meg Rosoff
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 118 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who is the one person Daisy believes she recognizes among the dead at Gateshead Farm?
(a) Aunt Penn.
(b) Mrs. McEvoy.
(c) Dr. Jameson.
(d) Isaac.

2. Why is Mrs. McEvoy worried about her older son?
(a) He is running around with a wild crowd.
(b) He was away at school and she hasn't heard from him.
(c) He was in the army and has gone missing.
(d) He has been taken hostage.

3. What does Piper say she'd always thought her sister would be named?
(a) Dorinda.
(b) Elizabeth.
(c) Amy.
(d) Daisy.

4. What does Alby hit Daisy and Piper with repeatedly?
(a) A rope.
(b) A plastic sword.
(c) A newspaper.
(d) A book.

5. Why are Daisy and Piper at the house on the day the telephone rings?
(a) They were cleaning the house.
(b) They were hoping Edmund had returned.
(c) They were looking for food.
(d) Piper wanted a bath.

6. What does Daisy believe she's hearing the night Jet joins them in the lambing barn?
(a) A cat with her young kittens.
(b) Foxes or wolves.
(c) A pack of wild dogs.
(d) Edmond or a rat.

7. What is Meadow Brook Farm famous for?
(a) Being the largest apple orchard in the county.
(b) Being the home of a famous poet.
(c) Being the summer home of the Queen.
(d) Being the largest dairy farm in fifty miles.

8. What is the food Daisy spends most of her time finding and storing?
(a) Apples.
(b) Turnips.
(c) Potatoes.
(d) Asparagus.

9. What does Daisy say is their ticket to getting back home?
(a) Joining the war effort.
(b) Getting a map and a compass.
(c) Following the river.
(d) Finding someone to take them.

10. Why does Daisy say she doesn't tell everyone about her meetings with Edmond in Chapter 18?
(a) She doesn't realize what's really happening.
(b) She doesn't want to share the time.
(c) She believes they might think she's crazy.
(d) She can't be sure it's Edmond.

11. What is the scent Daisy smells when Edmond is near her in Chapter 18?
(a) Tobacco and earth.
(b) Old Spice and peppermind.
(c) Fresh hay and apples.
(d) Cinnamon and yeast.

12. What are the military officials eating for lunch on the day they arrive to take over the house?
(a) Potatoes and onlins.
(b) Rice and beans.
(c) Sandwiches.
(d) Chicken and dumplings.

13. How does Jet prove his value in this area?
(a) He barks when someone comes near.
(b) He takes a message to Edmond.
(c) He brings Alby to Major McEvoy.
(d) He chases rabbits from the garden.

14. What does Daisy say "changed our lives instantly for the better" at the beginning of Chapter 25?
(a) Having a better map.
(b) Traveling on a road.
(c) Following the river.
(d) Finding a food source.

15. What does Daisy feel when she thinks back on Joe's death later that night?
(a) Frustration that the war is happening.
(b) Anger that he got Major McEvoy killed.
(c) Sadness that she wasn't nicer to him.
(d) Fear that she'll die as well.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is Daisy's first job on the farm in Chapter 20?

2. Why is Jet such a valuable commodity?

3. What is the dream Edmond and Daisy have that night?

4. What is the sound Daisy can hear as she falls asleep in Piper's bed their first night at the McEvoy's house?

5. What does Major McEvoy say was one of the first things to be taken over by the enemy?

(see the answer keys)

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