How I Live Now Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Meg Rosoff
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 118 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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How I Live Now Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Meg Rosoff
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 118 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is the news Osbert has when he enters the house after Daisy has written a letter to Leah?
(a) That he is joining the army.
(b) That Aunt Penn is dead.
(c) That the U.S. has been bombed.
(d) That there is an outbreak of smallpox.

2. Why doesn't anyone wear seat belts when they're in the vehicle on the way to their outing in Chapter 5?
(a) There are too many kids and not enough seats.
(b) They are wearing seat belts.
(c) There aren't any seat belts.
(d) There isn't a law requiring them.

3. What was the name of the painting Daisy had copied in a class once?
(a) The Last Day of Time.
(b) The Calm Before the Storm.
(c) The Sea of Heartbreak.
(d) The Day Before the End.

4. What is Edmond doing when Daisy finds him in the barn in Chapter 9?
(a) Feeding the kittens.
(b) Milking the goats.
(c) Repairing a hoe handle.
(d) Brushing the dog.

5. What is the food Daisy eats because Edmond asks her to?
(a) Broccoli.
(b) Liver.
(c) Bacon.
(d) Cheese.

6. What does Daisy say all the kids are thinking though no one says it out loud?
(a) That they're afraid of what's going to happen.
(b) That they wish someone would take them in.
(c) That they don't care about the war.
(d) That they want to stick together.

7. Why does the family keep animals, according to Osbert?
(a) For protection.
(b) For food in case of a shortage during the war.
(c) For showing in the fair.
(d) For decoration.

8. What book prompts Piper's decision they have to find and cook all their own food?
(a) Surving a Military Invasion.
(b) Girl Scout Survival Guide.
(c) English Guide to Wilderness Life.
(d) Boy Scout Survival Guide.

9. How old is Osbert when Daisy arrives in England?
(a) Fourteen.
(b) Fifteen.
(c) Sixteen.
(d) Seventeen.

10. What does Edmond say when Daisy asks if he ever thinks about dying?
(a) Only since the war began.
(b) She doesn't ask him.
(c) All the time.
(d) Never.

11. What kind of bird does Daisy hear that Edmond identifies for her?
(a) Mockingbird.
(b) Skylark.
(c) Sparrow.
(d) Blue Jay.

12. What is the song Piper is singing?
(a) Amazing Grace.
(b) Daisy doesn't know it.
(c) Turkey in the Straw.
(d) The Star Spangled Banner.

13. Who is left in the living room with Dr. Jameson when some of the children go to look for medicine?
(a) Edmond.
(b) Daisy.
(c) Piper.
(d) Isaac.

14. What does Daisy say is the sound Piper makes when she discovers Daisy is awake?
(a) A cat purr.
(b) A banshee scream.
(c) A mouse cheer.
(d) A cuckoo laugh.

15. Why does Piper say she threw blossoms all over Edmond and Daisy?
(a) She doesn't say.
(b) To make them smell better.
(c) For love.
(d) To share her happiness.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is the first thing Daisy does when she wakes from her long nap in Chapter 4?

2. What is the name of the dog in the photo with Aunt Penn and Daisy's mother?

3. What does Aunt Penn say the children can do to get some money until she can get home?

4. Who wrote the two letters Daisy receives in Chapter 7?

5. Which of the following is NOT one of the rumors being circulated about the Queen?

(see the answer keys)

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