House of Sand and Fog Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

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House of Sand and Fog Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 151 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why is Behrani worried that Esmail is alone with a visitor during Soraya's homecoming party?
(a) He is afraid that he will tell about his father's jobs.
(b) He is afraid that he will tell about his mother's illness.
(c) He is afraid he will tell that they are no longer rich.
(d) He is afraid he will tell about Kathy's visit.

2. Why is Kathy being evicted from her house?
(a) Because she failed to pay rent.
(b) Because she had a criminal record.
(c) Because of a clerical error.
(d) Because she failed to pay taxes.

3. What does the letter from Connie Walsh advise the Behranis to do?
(a) Take the house off the market.
(b) Sell the house immediately.
(c) Prepare to vacate the house.
(d) Expect their check to be returned.

4. What vow does Lester break on the day they go to the fish camp?
(a) His promise to himself to quit drinking.
(b) His promise to never leave his children.
(c) His wedding vow.
(d) His oath as a deputy sheriff.

5. What does Kathy lie to Lester about when he asks her what she learned from Connie Walsh?
(a) That the county has agreed to pay her full market price for her house.
(b) That the Behranis have agreed to move out.
(c) That Connie Walsh has promised to have her home by the weekend.
(d) That the lawyer has promised to have her home by next month.

6. Why is Kathy upset when Nadereh says she resembles Soraya?
(a) Soraya is much fatter.
(b) Soraya is Iranian.
(c) Soraya's life has been better than hers.
(d) Soraya is ugly.

7. Why does Kathy feel better realizing that Lester is married?
(a) He is less likely to have AIDS.
(b) It shows he is a steady, dependable person.
(c) She hates his wife.
(d) He won't demand a long-term relationship.

8. How much will Behrani make if he sells the house for its appraised value?
(a) Four times what he paid for it.
(b) Three times what he paid for it.
(c) Twice what he paid for it.
(d) Less than he paid for it.

9. Why does Kathy decide to talk to Nadereh alone?
(a) She knows Nadereh doesn't like the little house.
(b) She hopes that they can agree as women.
(c) She believes Nadereh is on her side.
(d) She believes she can frighten the timid woman.

10. What does Connie Walsh say is Kathy's only recourse now that they know that Behrani will not give up the house?
(a) Talk directly to Behrani and try to convince him to leave.
(b) Hire someone to intimidate Behrani.
(c) Sue the county for the value of the house.
(d) Call the sheriff to evict the Behranis.

11. What is Behrani's response when Connie Walsh tells him that Kathy has been wronged?
(a) "I am sorry for her, but I cannot help her."
(b) "I will help her if I can."
(c) "I am being wronged."
(d) "She deserves it."

12. Why is Nadereh screaming at Behrani after Lester leaves the house?
(a) She believes he is a criminal.
(b) She believes he has lied to her.
(c) She believes he is cruel.
(d) She believes he is a coward.

13. How does Kathy spoil Behrani's first attempt to sell the house?
(a) She brings the eviction records and displays them.
(b) She screams at the prospective buyers that Behrani has stolen the house.
(c) She begs Behrani not to sell.
(d) She insults the prospective buyers.

14. As Behrani considers his own actions over his lifetime, of what does he accuse himself?
(a) He accuses himself of violence.
(b) He accuses himself of cowardice.
(c) He accuses himself of cruelty.
(d) He accuses himself of pride.

15. What two jobs is Behrani quitting?
(a) The convenience store and the city park.
(b) The highway department and the convenience store.
(c) The army and the real estate office.
(d) The tomato plant and the highway department.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is the Enemy Voice?

2. How much money does the county claim Kathy owes them?

3. Why does Nadereh dress up on the same day?

4. What bad news does Lester bring Kathy after he visits two more lawyers?

5. What advice does Lester Burdon give Kathy regarding her house?

(see the answer keys)

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