Hotel du Lac Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 109 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Hotel du Lac Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 109 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does the tall, thin woman greet Edith at the cafe with the large glass windows?
(a) She shakes her hand.
(b) She raises her fork.
(c) She waves.
(d) She hugs her.

2. What was Penelope doing when Edith asked her about David for the first time?
(a) Washing dishes.
(b) Folding the laundry.
(c) Dusting her house.
(d) Making the bed.

3. Who did Edith go to as a child for comfort?
(a) Her mother.
(b) Her sister.
(c) Her father.
(d) Her aunts.

4. Why is Iris Pusey visibly upset while in town in Chapter 4?
(a) The woman who made the Pusey women's blouses disappeared without giving the Puseys notice.
(b) Iris didn't approve of Edith's plans.
(c) Iris couldn't find Jennifer.
(d) Iris lost her diamond ring.

5. Which character does Edith refer to as the "bulldog-faced"?
(a) Her neighbor.
(b) Iris Pusey.
(c) Jennifer Pusey.
(d) Mme. de Bonneuil.

6. Why is Edith so willing to make an arrangement with the Puseys about spending her free time with them?
(a) Edith will be able to observe a class of women with which she is completely unfamiliar.
(b) Edith feels that she will be bored without doing so.
(c) Edith feels obligated to.
(d) Edith has a hard time telling people no.

7. The unnamed man at the cafe finds the idea that Edith may be a writer ________.
(a) Worrying.
(b) Serious.
(c) Amusing.
(d) Weird.

8. What characteristics does a woman have that Edith would consider a hare?
(a) Uptight and Snooty.
(b) Tired and Sad.
(c) Quiet and Humble.
(d) Outgoing Temptress.

9. What is the tall, thin woman eating when Edith sees her at the cafe with the large glass windows?
(a) Hot Dog.
(b) Macaroon.
(c) Pizza.
(d) Cheeseburger.

10. What does Edith drink in the dining room during her first trip to it?
(a) Wine.
(b) Tea.
(c) Hot cocoa.
(d) Coffee.

11. What does Penelope think about Edith's books?
(a) Penelope is jealous of Edith's books.
(b) That the books are about romantic encounters that were absent from Edith's real life.
(c) Penelope thinks that Edith should write science fiction books instead.
(d) Penelope thinks that Edith's books are boring.

12. What does Edith believe drives women into marriage?
(a) A woman's need for children.
(b) A woman's need for financial support.
(c) A woman's parents.
(d) A woman's need for companionship.

13. When Edith sees a tall and slender woman at the beginning of the story she assumes that she must be a what?
(a) A basketball player.
(b) A volleyball player.
(c) Dancer.
(d) A model.

14. Why does Edith not write to David about Mr. Neville?
(a) Edith is afraid that David will come to the hotel.
(b) Edith feels that it would be inappropriate.
(c) Edith is afraid that David won't see her anymore.
(d) Mr. Neville asked her not to.

15. Where does Edith go for her first walk?
(a) Along the boardwalk.
(b) Along the city streets.
(c) Along the lakeshore.
(d) Along the seashore.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who does Edith go shopping with?

2. Who wrote the book that Iris Pusey reads?

3. What does the unnamed man from the cafe hand to Edith?

4. What does Monica's husband want?

5. How old does Edith guess the mother to be in the mother/daughter companionship?

(see the answer keys)

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