Hotel du Lac Chapter Abstracts for Teachers

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 109 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Hotel du Lac Chapter Abstracts for Teachers

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 109 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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Chapter 1

• Edith Hope is told by her friends to take a break from life after she has a "unfortunate lapse."

• Edith's friends want her to think about what she has done and return apologizing.

• Edith never mentions the success of her romantic fiction writing but she realizes that she is doing really well.
• Edith checks into the Hotel du Lac.

• Edith immediately writes a letter to David about her mixed feelings on being away.

• Edith unpacks but leaves most of her clothes in her bag like she is going to leave on a moment's notice.
• The Hotel du Lac is a private retreat for guests.

• Guests have to be a longstanding customer or get a reference from one in order to stay at the Hotel du Lac.

• Edith goes to the dining room for tea and eyes all the other guests staying at the Hotel du Lac.

Chapter 2

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