Hope Leslie Short Answer Test - Answer Key

Catharine Maria Sedgwick
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 132 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Hope Leslie Short Answer Test - Answer Key

Catharine Maria Sedgwick
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 132 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
Buy the Hope Leslie Lesson Plans

1. In what year was Sedgwick first published?


2. In what year was Hope Leslie published?


3. Which of Lydia Maria Child’s novels was inspired by Sedgwick, per Karcher (10)?


4. Which of Maria Cummins’s novels was inspired by Sedgwick, per Karcher (10)?

The Lamplighter.

5. Which author does Karcher quote as calling Sedgwick “our most truthful novelist” (10)?

William Cullen Bryant.

6. Which of Sedgwick’s writings was erroneously attributed to James Fenimore Cooper?


7. Which of the following character types does Karcher claim Cooper brought into American fiction?

The frontiersman.

8. In what year was Sedgwick born?


9. Which of the following refers to Sedgwick’s native social group?

The River Gods.

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