Honor's Splendour Test | Final Test - Hard

Julie Garwood
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 166 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Honor's Splendour Test | Final Test - Hard

Julie Garwood
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 166 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. Madelyne writes a message for Anthony to the king. What does the message say?

2. What event makes Madelyne laugh, but terrifies everyone else?

3. Duncan believes that Madelyne appears clumsy for what reason?

4. Why does Duncan vow to go slowly, be gentle and speak softly to Madelyne after they retire to his chamber, on the night he gives permission for Gerald to live in the fortress until Adele consents to marry him?

5. What is the reason that Duncan gives Madelyne for failing to take his nightly swim?

Short Essay Questions

1. Why is Madelyne worried about Gerald's visit?

2. Why does Madelyne practice archery so hard and long?

3. Who is Rachel and what is the truth of Rachel's relationship with her husband and with Louddon that is overheard by Madelyne in London?

4. Why is Adela worried about Gerald's visit?

5. Edmond makes a complete change in his attitude toward Madeline, welcoming her to the Wexton family. Why?

6. What does Adela overhear in Chapter 13?

7. Why does Duncan refuse to call witnesses to testify in his defense before the king?

8. Why does Madelyne make a sudden decision to marry Duncan?

9. How does Duncan manage to honor the pledges he makes to both Adela and Gerald?

10. In Chapter 22, Duncan gives Madelyn a recitation of many things that Madelyne does since he proves she is courageous. What are three of the four reasons that Duncan provides to Madelyne to prove to her that she is courageous?

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

Duncan informs Adela that she is to allow Gerald to kiss her. How does the author use the relationships between Gerald and Adela and Madelyne and Duncan to explore the theme that the power of love conquers all? Compare and contrast these two romantic relationships and provide examples from the novel to support your argument.

Essay Topic 2

Madelylne begins by dreaming of Odysseus and then sings about his adventures, teaching the Wextons and Gerald of his story. From whom and under what circumstances does Madlyne learn about Odysseus and Ployphemus? Who are these mythological characters and how do they allude to characters in Honor's Splendour? Who reminds Madelyne of Odysseus and why? Who reminds Madelyne of Polyphemus and why? Does Madelyne find that in the end, she is living the dream of Odysseus? Provide examples from the book to support your conclusions.

Essay Topic 3

In romance novels, the typical heroine changes over time. Honor's Splendour is published in 1987. At the time, the heroine in a romance novel is typically beautiful, admirable in some way, sometimes weak, and often needs a man to save her. Compare and contrast Madelyne to the typical romance novel heroine. Use her relationships with at least two other characters in the novel to prove that she is either a typical or an atypical romance novel heroine. Provide examples from the novel to support your argument.

(see the answer keys)

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