Honor's Splendour Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Julie Garwood
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 166 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Honor's Splendour Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Julie Garwood
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 166 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why is Madelyne angry with Duncan after she uses the mace during the battle?
(a) Because afterwards Duncan slams her into the saddle in front of him.
(b) Because she thinks he puts her in danger intentionally.
(c) Because she is so fearful during the battle that she snaps.
(d) Because she kills a man.

2. Who brings food and draws a bath for Madelyne after she awakens from her fever?
(a) Duncan and Maude.
(b) Gerty and Maude.
(c) Gerty.
(d) Adela.

3. What horse does Duncan expect Madelyne to ride into battle?
(a) A gray dappled mare.
(b) Silenus.
(c) A brown steed.
(d) A large white war horse.

4. Who appears at the entrance to the hall after Madelyn's first meal in the hall of Duncan's fortress, much to Madelyne's consternation?
(a) Gerty and Martha.
(b) Louddon.
(c) Adela.
(d) Duncan.

5. What request does Madelyne make of Duncan on behalf of Adela?
(a) Ask Gerald if he still marries Adela.
(b) Send Adela to a convent to live.
(c) Allow Adela to live with Duncan as long as she wishes as an unmarried woman.
(d) Allow Adela to retire to the country to recover in peace.

Short Answer Questions

1. When she is dreaming that she is hot, Madelyne believes she is where?

2. Why does Silenus not move during the battle?

3. Whose feelings is Madelyne protecting when she refuses to learn how to ride the gentle mare?

4. How is the Wolf captured?

5. What does Gilard think Madelyne's plan is for the battle?

Short Essay Questions

1. Why does Duncan think that Madelyne helps Adela heal?

2. What is Duncan's reaction to Madelyne's actions to rescue and warm him?

3. Why does Duncan lie to Madelyne about how much time he spends with her while she is sick with fever?

4. What is Madelyne's reaction to hearing that Duncan and Gilard are going to war because of a sister?

5. In Chapter One, how does the author support the idea that Duncan is a warrior before all else?

6. How does the author establish Madelyne as a good person in Chapter One?

7. Why does Duncan decide to allow the battle to take place before they reach his castle?

8. Why does Duncan believe that Madelyne has a temper and a passionate nature?

9. As Madelyne is planning her escape from Duncan, what obstacles does she think she needs to overcome?

10. Why does Louddon decide to go after Duncan once he discovers the destruction at the castle?

(see the answer keys)

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