Hole in My Life Test | Final Test - Medium

Jack Gantos
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 137 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Hole in My Life Test | Final Test - Medium

Jack Gantos
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 137 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In Section 3, Chapter 2, what did Gantos read in his spare time?
(a) Prison literature.
(b) Celebrity magazines.
(c) Sports magazines.
(d) Newspapers.

2. When did the Attica Prison riot take place?
(a) 1971.
(b) 1983.
(c) 1967.
(d) 1976.

3. Gantos admits that after he was given his delay by the parole board, what entered his mind in Section 3, Chapter 7?
(a) Depression.
(b) Suicide.
(c) Homicide.
(d) Escape.

4. In Section 3, Chapter 3, Gantos attended his hearing and the judge was read Gantos' own admission from what source?
(a) His sworn statement.
(b) His cellmate's affidavit.
(c) Ship's log.
(d) His arrest warrant.

5. In Section 3, Chapter 7, Gantos points out that every prisoner has what kind of story, as well as a getting caught story?
(a) Getting out.
(b) Family.
(c) Facing a pedophile.
(d) Killing a guard.

Short Answer Questions

1. In Section 3, Chapter 1, what did Gantos learn when he called home?

2. Gantos realized in Section 3, Chapter 6, that it was only when he was unable to __________that he was finally able to see his own worth and nurture his own writing.

3. When he entered college, Gantos worked nights as___________.

4. As Gantos passed the hotel's lobby on the last day of the operation, who was being accosted by the FBI?

5. In what city did Gantos go to hide out after discovering the FBI was after him in Section 2, Chapter 4?

Short Essay Questions

1. Describe the bust by the FBI in Section 2, Chapter 4. How did Gantos escape?

2. What position did Gantos secure in the hospital after he was cleared of lice?

3. Discuss the sexual violence described in Section 3, Chapter 3. How did Gantos avoid rape?

4. How does Gantos describe the drug scene in prison in Section 3, Chapter 5? Why did he choose not to use drugs?

5. How did Gantos's new case worker help him earn early parole in Section 3, Chapter 7?

6. Who else was housed in the hospital unit of the prison? What performer does the author describe in Section 3, Chapter 5?

7. What did Gantos learn about the charges against him in Section 3, Chapter 1?

8. What did Gantos do when he realized he was likely going to prison in Section 3, Chapter 2?

9. Where did Gantos and Hamilton go upon arriving in New York in Section 2, Chapter 4? How did Gantos feel about the situation?

10. What was Gantos allowed to take with him when he left prison in Section 3, Chapter 7? What was he not allowed to take?

(see the answer keys)

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