Great Stories For Children Test | Final Test - Medium

Ruskin Bond
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 177 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Great Stories For Children Test | Final Test - Medium

Ruskin Bond
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 177 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In "The Coral Tree," what place is the narrator getting ready to move to?
(a) America.
(b) Bombay.
(c) England.
(d) Tokyo.

2. In "The Tunnel," what creature does the train remind Suraj of?
(a) A phoenix.
(b) A tiger.
(c) A leopard.
(d) A dragon.

3. In "When the Trees Walked," what event causes the family to leave their home in Dehradun?
(a) Pakistan's invasion of Kashmir.
(b) The partition of India and Pakistan.
(c) World War Two.
(d) World War One.

4. In "And Now We are Twelve," how does Bond entertain his grandson on the way to school?
(a) He teaches him about plants and animals.
(b) He plays the flute.
(c) He tells him stories.
(d) He sings him songs.

5. In "The Overcoat," what reason does the narrator think Julie must have for attending a party where she does not know anyone?
(a) She is a ghost.
(b) She works for the Kapadias.
(c) She is a thief.
(d) She is lonely.

Short Answer Questions

1. In "The Overcoat," what is the name of the house where Julie says she lives?

2. In "Pret in the House," what happens when the road gets widened?

3. In "Wild Fruit," what is ironic about the lessons Vijay listens to at school?

4. Where does the ghost live in the beginning of "Pret in the House"

5. In "The Coral Tree," what does the young girl want help with?

Short Essay Questions

1. In "A Traveller's Tale," what does the rest house staff tell the narrator about his overnight visitor?

2. Why is the narrator of "The Overcoat" unconcerned that neither he nor anyone at the party knows Julie?

3. In "And Now We are Twelve," why does the family decide that it is time to move away from Maplewood?

4. In "And Now We are Twelve," who are the people that Ruskin Bond considers to be his family?

5. In "Those Three Bears," where is the narrator from, and how does the reader know this?

6. In "The Thief's Story," what employment arrangement do Romi and Hari come to?

7. In "A Traveller's Tale," where does the narrator believe that his passport is, and how does he get it back?

8. In "The Tunnel," how does Sunder Singh spend his time?

9. In "The Tunnel," what animal ends up in the tunnel and what do Sunder and Suraj do about it?

10. In "The Thief's Story," where does Hari meet Romi, and why does he choose Romi to approach for work?

(see the answer keys)

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