Great Circle Test | Final Test - Medium

Maggie Shipstead
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 130 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Great Circle Test | Final Test - Medium

Maggie Shipstead
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 130 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. For a library in what town does Jamie accept a commission?
(a) Acme.
(b) Ferndale.
(c) Bellingham.
(d) Blaine.

2. What is the mantra under which Marian is trained in Britain?
(a) Fast, not lazy.
(b) Safe, not brave.
(c) Brave, not safe.
(d) Now, not later.

3. What is the reported first line of Carol’s book?
(a) “I was born to be a wanderer.”
(b) “I don’t know it, but I am about to be swallowed by either fire or water.”
(c) “An unfinished ship.”
(d) “The cold brings the darkness, and I am lost. But I am not afraid.”

4. From which airport does Hadley fly for Las Vegas?
(a) Palmdale.
(b) LAX.
(c) Van Nuys.
(d) Burbank.

5. Which of the following is Sarah’s friend?
(a) Willow.
(b) Hazel.
(c) Myrtle.
(d) Laurel.

Short Answer Questions

1. On which charge is Barclay convicted and incarcerated?

2. The novel glosses the world “polynya” as which of the following?

3. On which company’s cruise liner do Marian and Barclay sail for England?

4. What is the name of Sarah’s husband?

5. Which of the following books does Jamie have from Judith?

Short Essay Questions

1. What mercy does Marian perceive in her assumption that her love for Ruth cannot be reciprocated?

2. What difference does Hugo note between playing a person and playing a fictional character?

3. In what does Jamie find his talent for portraiture lies?

4. Why is the Spitfire argued to be a feminine plane?

5. What is the initial direction in Hadley’s script?

6. What hinders Jamie’s initial search for work in Seattle?

7. What reasons are offered for Alaskans’ acceptance of Marian after years of her masquerade under another identity?

8. Why does Sarah note liking Jamie’s drawings of her?

9. How does Marian handle the miner she picks up in McCarthy?

10. What does Marian take with her when she absconds towards an abortion?

(see the answer keys)

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