Great Circle Test | Final Test - Easy

Maggie Shipstead
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 130 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Great Circle Test | Final Test - Easy

Maggie Shipstead
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 130 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Which of the following epithets does Fahey assign to Jamie?
(a) Heretic.
(b) Apostate.
(c) Blasphemer.
(d) Traitor.

2. In which city does Adelaide have her studio?
(a) Santa Monica.
(b) Culver City.
(c) Malibu.
(d) Oxnard.

3. In which of the following countries does Marian make a logbook entry?
(a) Namibia.
(b) Botswana.
(c) Kenya.
(d) Malawi.

4. In what year does Cochrane break the sound barrier?
(a) 1953.
(b) 1942.
(c) 1964.
(d) 1936.

5. To which of the following does Marian compare B-17s?
(a) Dolphins.
(b) Sharks.
(c) Minnows.
(d) Whales.

6. What agency does Jamie report he had considered joining?
(a) Postal Service.
(b) Forest Service.
(c) Internal Revenue Service.
(d) Public Health Service.

7. Where does Marian meet Eddie?
(a) One Aldwych.
(b) The Savoy.
(c) Strand Palace.
(d) St. Martin’s.

8. To which location is Marian sent to deliver her first Spitfire?
(a) Charlton Park.
(b) Lydeway.
(c) Filton.
(d) Colerne.

9. In which state is Jamie beaten by a rail yard bull?
(a) Idaho.
(b) Oregon.
(c) Montana.
(d) Washington.

10. To which composer’s work do Caleb and Jamie listen after the former enlists?
(a) Debussy.
(b) Chopin.
(c) Elgar.
(d) Schumann.

11. In which of the following does Sarah live when Jamie first meets her?
(a) Montbéliarde Manor.
(b) Parthenaise Place.
(c) Chillingham Château.
(d) Hereford House.

12. To which store does Cochrane send Marian?
(a) Saks.
(b) Bloomingdale's.
(c) Sears.
(d) Macy's

13. To which of the following does Marian compare Edinburg Castle?
(a) A giant.
(b) A unicorn.
(c) A sphinx.
(d) A dragon.

14. Which of the following is Sarah’s friend?
(a) Hazel.
(b) Willow.
(c) Myrtle.
(d) Laurel.

15. What other name does Sally Ayukawa carry?
(a) Junko.
(b) Miyako.
(c) Motoko.
(d) Kimiko.

Short Answer Questions

1. Marian buys a ticket to which of the following towns while en route to Vancouver by train?

2. A museum in which of the following cities buys one of Jamie’s paintings?

3. As which of the following does Cochrane identify Marian?

4. What is Marian’s first duty station in Britain?

5. On which charge is Barclay convicted and incarcerated?

(see the answer keys)

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