Objects & Places from Graven Images

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Objects & Places from Graven Images

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
Buy the Graven Images Lesson Plans

The Binnacle Boyappears in The Binnacle Boy

This is a wooden statue created to hold the iron binnacle which houses the ship's compass.

Graven Imagesappears in All

These objects in the stories aren't necessarily negative or positive but they do reveal the true nature of at least one character in each story.

New Bethany, Maine appears in The Binnacle Boy

This small, seaside town and the main setting of "The Binnacle Boy."

Tansyappears in The Binnacle Boy

This refers to a plant with deadly leaves which grows abundantly in Miss Frye's garden.

Charleston, South Carolinaappears in Saint Crispin's Follower

This city is the main setting of "Saint Crispin's Follower."

Mr. Quince's Shoe Shopappears in Saint Crispin's Follower

This is the location in which Nicholas and Zeph work.

Miss Catchfly's Groceryappears in Saint Crispin's Follower

Nicholas goes to this location frequently to purchase items for Mr. Quince.

Genoa, Italyappears in The Man of Influence

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