God Bless You, Mr. Rosewater, or, Pearls Before Swine Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 165 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

God Bless You, Mr. Rosewater, or, Pearls Before Swine Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 165 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does Eliot Rosewater outsmart Norman Mushari in the end?
(a) Eliot write Mushari a check for a million dollars to drop the case.
(b) He gives Fred one hudnred thousand dollars, and declares all children of Rosewater his children.
(c) Eliot writes Fred a check for a million dollars and buys him off.
(d) Eliot declares all children of Rosewater are his own, and pays out child support.

2. Where do Caroline and her friend Amanita dine for lunch on the waterfront?
(a) The Weir.
(b) The Scat.
(c) The Bunty.
(d) The Mary.

3. What legal representation does Stewart Buntline have?
(a) McSorely, Anderson, and Smith.
(b) McAllister, Robjent, Reed, and McGee.
(c) McNorton, Krandle, and Little.
(d) Rosenson, Richmond, and Smith.

4. Where are Eliot and Sylvia scheduled to meet for their final goodbye?
(a) The Bluebird Room of the Marsett Hotel in Miami Beach.
(b) The Bluebird Room of the Marott Hotel in Indianapolis.
(c) The Bluebird Room of the Marriott Hotel in Chicago.
(d) The Bluebird Room of the Marriott Hotel in Incline.

5. Upon getting home, why does Fred give up his first thought of suicide?
(a) He thinks about his father.
(b) He thinks about his son.
(c) He thinks about his wife getting the insurance money.
(d) He thinks about the scandal.

6. Why did Caroline marry Fred?
(a) If he lived in Pisquontuit and went to Harvard, he must be rich.
(b) If he sold his boat, he would be rich.
(c) If he changed careers, he could be a millionaire.
(d) If he sold insurance, he would be rich someday.

7. What did Eliot see on the copy of The American Investigator he found in his pocket?
(a) "Best Looking Man Alive? (See Inside).
(b) "Insane or Sane? (See Inside).
(c) "Sanest Man In America? (See Inside).
(d) "Is This Man Crazy? (See Inside)

8. What does Fred learn about himself and his family while reading the Rosewater Family History?
(a) They are carriers of a defective gene.
(b) They are descendent from royalty.
(c) Their family was one of the first in England.
(d) They are originally from Scotland.

9. While the Senator is talking with Eliot in his apartment, what occurs?
(a) Eliot screams at hearing the news and sets off the siren at the fire house.
(b) Eliot storms out of the room and runs to the fire station to hide.
(c) Eliot asks his father what time it is.
(d) The alarm clock goes off at noon and Eliot sounds the noon time siren at the fire house.

10. Who is the town of Pisquontuit named after?
(a) An Indian Chief in the 1600s.
(b) An INdian Chief in the 1900s.
(c) An Indian Chief in the 1800s.
(d) An Indian Chief in the 1700s.

11. What is one of Eliot's favorite Kilgore Trout books dealing with ingratitude?
(a) The First Design of Helpfulness.
(b) The First Trial of the Ungrateful.
(c) The First District Court of Thankyou.
(d) The First District Court of Ingratitude.

12. How long has Selena been with the Buntline family?
(a) Nine months.
(b) A month.
(c) A year.
(d) Six months.

13. What does Fred tell Caroline is above the door of the National Archives in Washington?
(a) "The past is prologue."
(b) "The past is the ticket to the future."
(c) "The past is meaningless without the future."
(d) "The past is over."

14. Who approaches Eliot as he boards the bus?
(a) Arthur Ulm.
(b) Tawny Wainwright.
(c) Diana Moon Glampers.
(d) Senator Rosewater.

15. What book does Fred find while looking through a books and magazine store?
(a) Kilgore Trout's book The Way Station.
(b) Kilgore Trout's book Pan-Galactic Three Day Pass.
(c) Kilgore Trout's book 2BRO2B.
(d) Kilgore Trout's book Venus on the Half Shell.

Short Answer Questions

1. What piece of literature had Stewart's attorney included in his last letter to him?

2. From which side of the Rosewater family does Fred come?

3. What paper does Fred read surreptitiously with his coffee and Danish?

4. What does Kilgore Trout say is the most important lesson Eliot has learned in his time in Rosewater?

5. Who is Sergeant Boyle?

(see the answer keys)

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