God Bless You, Mr. Rosewater, or, Pearls Before Swine Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 165 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

God Bless You, Mr. Rosewater, or, Pearls Before Swine Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 165 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In his first letter to Sylvia, what does Eliot say he has in common with the person he compares himself to ?
(a) They both have an important mission.
(b) They both love fire fighters.
(c) They both went mad at an early age.
(d) They both had wives named Sylvia.

2. What is Eliot's customary gift to newborn children?
(a) A share of stock in General Motors.
(b) A share of stock in Johnson and Johnson.
(c) A share of stock in IBM.
(d) A share of stock in Eastman Kodak.

3. What does Eliot use as a kitchen in his office in Rosewater?
(a) His back porch.
(b) His closet.
(c) His bathroom.
(d) His bedroom.

4. How many books has Kilgore Trout written and in what genre?
(a) Ninety nine dramatic fiction paperbacks.
(b) Fourteen non-fiction paperbacks.
(c) Eighty seven science fiction paperbacks.
(d) Twenty seven romance paperbacks.

5. How many children does Senator Rosewater have?
(a) Only one.
(b) Two living.
(c) Three.
(d) Four.

6. What meeting does Eliot attend in Milford, Pennsylvania?
(a) A science fiction convention.
(b) A Foundation meeting.
(c) An AA meeting.
(d) A revival.

7. Where is the local fire department located?
(a) In the old Rosewater Opera House.
(b) In the back of the Rosewater Memorial Library.
(c) In the old carriage house of the mansion.
(d) In the old saw mill.

8. What does McAllister propose as his "rather primitive idea" to Sylvia, Mushari, and the Senator?
(a) Sylvia and Eliot divorce in Mexico.
(b) Sylvia talk Eliot into leaving with her to Paris.
(c) Sylvia and Eliot attempt reconciliation.
(d) SYlvia be given control of the Foundation.

9. How does Eliot meet Sylvia?
(a) Her father introduces them.
(b) She works for the Rosewater Corporation.
(c) She works for the Rosewater Foundation.
(d) They meet in a bar in Paris.

10. What does Eliot seek out in every town he visits?
(a) The railroad stations.
(b) The volunteer fire departments.
(c) The mayors.
(d) The public libraries.

11. In what town is Eliot arrested after leaving New York?
(a) Phoenix, Arizona
(b) Austin, Texas
(c) Vashti, Texas
(d) Elisnore, California

12. Who is the creator of the Foundation?
(a) Sen. Samuel P. Rosewater.
(b) Sen. Lister Ames Rosewater.
(c) Sen. Robert M. Rosewater.
(d) Sen. Joseph A. Rosewater.

13. What does Mushari do with the letter he finds in McAllister's files concerning the president of the Foundation?
(a) Brings it home for safe keeping.
(b) Puts it in a safe deposit box.
(c) Locks it in his office.
(d) Gives it to his boss.

14. What is a fly hunt?
(a) Catching flies with nets.
(b) KIlling flies with rubber bands or glasses.
(c) Finding flies in winter.
(d) Killing flies with spray cans.

15. Who rented the office space in Rosewater before Eliot did?
(a) A dentist.
(b) A veterinarian.
(c) An architect.
(d) A lawyer.

Short Answer Questions

1. When Eliot receives a call from a man considering suicide, what question does he ask him?

2. What does Eliot do after the war?

3. What happens when the Rosewater Inter-State Ship Canal fails?

4. What is the Rosewater Law?

5. Who is Norman Mushari?

(see the answer keys)

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