Gladys Aylward: The Little Woman Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Gladys Aylward
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 111 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Gladys Aylward: The Little Woman Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Gladys Aylward
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 111 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Approximately how much did a fare to China cost?
(a) Sixty-nine pounds.
(b) Forty-seven pounds.
(c) Fifteen pounds.
(d) Twenty-two pounds.

2. Where did Gladys first read about China?
(a) Lives of the Saints.
(b) Young Life Campaign magazine.
(c) Sunday school tract.
(d) School book.

3. When a woman again offered to sell a child to Gladys, what did Gladys find in her pocket?
(a) Food.
(b) A pound.
(c) Five Chinese coins.
(d) A Bible.

4. To whom did Gladys introduce Mrs. Ching?
(a) The emperor.
(b) The mandarin.
(c) Jesus Christ.
(d) Mrs. Lawson.

5. Why was the woman in Chapter 6 holding a child?
(a) The child was her only daughter.
(b) The child was ill.
(c) She was selling the child.
(d) She was moving.

6. What did Gladys tell the woman who was holding a child?
(a) The child should be taught to read.
(b) The child was too heavy to be carried.
(c) She could give the child medicine.
(d) The child should not be in the blazing sun.

7. With what did Gladys entertain the muleteers?
(a) Puppet plays.
(b) Bible stories.
(c) Stage plays.
(d) Singing.

8. Who was given the job of grabbing the lead mules from the mule trail?
(a) Mr. Lu.
(b) Gladys.
(c) The cook.
(d) Mrs. Lawson.

9. Who did Gladys first find in Vladivostok?
(a) A young woman.
(b) A Russian claiming to be an interpreter.
(c) Mrs. Lawson.
(d) An old man.

10. Where did Gladys take the baby she bought?
(a) The hospital.
(b) A boarding school.
(c) Home.
(d) An orphanage.

11. What was Mrs. Ching?
(a) A slave.
(b) A teacher.
(c) A wife.
(d) A widow.

12. When Gladys awoke one night during the convention, what did she suspect was happening?
(a) Enemy bombardment.
(b) An earthquake.
(c) The end of the world.
(d) Revival.

13. Where did Mrs. Lawson preach?
(a) The church.
(b) Temples.
(c) The market and street corners.
(d) In homes.

14. What did Gladys hear that caused her to exit the train?
(a) A train whistle.
(b) Gunshots.
(c) An avalanche.
(d) Screaming.

15. Where did Gladys find the note, "Be ye not afraid of them--I am your God"?
(a) Her Bible.
(b) Under the train seat.
(c) The walls of her jail cell.
(d) A British pound note.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why was Mrs. Lawson's rent low?

2. Where was Gladys when she first realized that God had a claim on her life?

3. Where did Mrs. Ching expect Gladys was taking her?

4. Who took Gladys' passport from her in Vladivostok?

5. Where was Gladys told to sleep after arriving at Mrs. Lawson's?

(see the answer keys)

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