Girls in Pants: The Third Summer of the Sisterhood Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 117 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Girls in Pants: The Third Summer of the Sisterhood Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 117 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why do Bridget and Eric fall into the lake in Chapter 14?
(a) They are having a diving competition.
(b) Their boss shoves them.
(c) They are swatting a bee.
(d) The dock breaks.

2. Why does Tibby's sister try to climb a tree?
(a) To break a branch.
(b) To get an apple.
(c) To be taller than Tibby.
(d) To jump off.

3. What is Gilda's?
(a) A friend's house.
(b) A new coffee bar.
(c) A cool restaurant.
(d) An old gym.

4. What does Lena notice about her mother when she draws her?
(a) Her mother's desire for a new job.
(b) Conflicts between her parents.
(c) Her long arms.
(d) The true happiness of her mother.

5. Which girl is compared to a bright red gas guzzler?
(a) Lena.
(b) Tibby.
(c) Carmen.
(d) Bee.

6. In Chapter 7, where does Lena take a bus?
(a) To art class.
(b) To Tibby's house.
(c) To Carmen's house.
(d) To work.

7. Who drives Tibby and Brian to the senior dance?
(a) Brian.
(b) Tibby.
(c) Tibby's mom.
(d) Brian's mom.

8. Whose car do the girls take to the pool in Chapter 13?
(a) Lena's father's.
(b) Bridget's.
(c) Carmen's.
(d) Tibby's.

9. How long do Lena and Carmen agree to wait before getting Bridget from Soccer Camp?
(a) Two days.
(b) Two weeks.
(c) One weekend.
(d) One week.

10. Why does Tibby open her bedroom window in Chapter 4?
(a) To hear the birds.
(b) To see if it still opens.
(c) To yell at her neighbor.
(d) To let fresh air in.

11. Who is confined to a wheelchair?
(a) Paul.
(b) Annik.
(c) Paul's father.
(d) Andrew.

12. Why does Lena not like the idea of attending a regular university?
(a) She does not want to live in a dorm.
(b) She does not like professors.
(c) She does not want to take general education classes.
(d) She does not want to go to a big school.

13. What department does Win work in at the hospital?
(a) Geriatrics.
(b) Pediatrics.
(c) Labor and delivery.
(d) Emergency room.

14. Why does Valia fall in the ice cream parlor?
(a) She trips on purpose.
(b) She falls over a chair.
(c) She shoves Carmen.
(d) She slips on ice cream.

15. What does Tibby wear to the senior dance?
(a) A little black dress.
(b) The pants underneath a plaid skirt.
(c) The pants and a blouse.
(d) A green formal dress.

Short Answer Questions

1. When Carmen visits Tibby in Chapter 16, what does she say she sees?

2. How does Bridget admit to feeling about Eric in Chapter 15?

3. Why does Carmen's dad decide to talk to Williams College in Chapter 16?

4. Where did Lena work the previous summer?

5. What does Brian bring for Tibby's family when he picks her up for the dance?

(see the answer keys)

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