Fuzzy Mud Quiz | Eight Week Quiz G

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Fuzzy Mud Quiz | Eight Week Quiz G

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 206 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Section 5: Chapter 32, "Turtles," through "Epilogue".

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does Tamaya's school uniform usually make her feel?
(a) Proud.
(b) Embarrassed.
(c) Trapped.
(d) Amused.

2. While she is in the woods, what does Tamaya realize about the fuzzy mud?
(a) It glows.
(b) It is aware of her.
(c) It is spreading.
(d) It smells sweet.

3. What does Chad tell Tamaya he could use the stick to do?
(a) He could hit her with it.
(b) He could fend off attackers.
(c) He could see how deep the mud in the gully is.
(d) He could knock nuts down from the trees.

4. What feature does Fitzman say he is working on for the future?
(a) An engine cleaning system using Biolene.
(b) A way to let car owners breed their own ergonyms.
(c) A new fuel made from household waste.
(d) A way to make sure that fuel tanks stay warm at all times.

5. When the school nurse is taking care of her hand, why does Tamaya keep hoping the nurse will hurry up?
(a) Tamaya has a feelings that she needs to find Marshall and talk to him.
(b) Tamaya wants to get back to class to work on her journal entry.
(c) Tamaya is embarrassed to be in the nurse's office and does not want anyone to see her there.
(d) Tamaya does not think that the school nurse knows how to treat her rash.

Short Answer Questions

1. What question did Mr. Davison ask Chad that caused Chad to embarrass himself with a clearly wrong answer?

2. Why does Marshall struggle to get Tamaya out of the gully?

3. When Tamaya finds Chad in the woods, what is Chad's primary worry about his current situation?

4. What main point does Professor Alice Mayfair seem to want to make in her Senate testimony?

5. Why do Tamaya and Chad hold a long stick between them as they head back toward the school?

(see the answer key)

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