Fugitive Pieces Test | Final Test - Easy

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Fugitive Pieces Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 126 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. About what does Maurice worry?
(a) That Maurice will have to work many hours with Ben.
(b) That Jakob's journals are lost in the huge library.
(c) That Ben will misinterpret Jakob's journals.
(d) That Ben will not be persistent.

2. About what did Ben have nightmares?
(a) Doors axed down.
(b) The hiss of gas.
(c) The demon sucking his blood dry.
(d) The grandmother becoming an SS trooper.

3. With what does Ben write his parents are obsessed?
(a) Doors.
(b) Food.
(c) Guns.
(d) Information.

4. What is "No Mortal Foe"?
(a) Ben's second book.
(b) A collection of essays by Jakob.
(c) Jakob's third chapbook of poems.
(d) A treatise on angels.

5. Where does Jakob image Bella being?
(a) A camp barracks.
(b) A home for orphans.
(c) A vault.
(d) A German officer's home.

6. What returns to Michaela when she speaks?
(a) Her clarity.
(b) Her goodness.
(c) Her body.
(d) Her mind.

7. What is possible with recorded history?
(a) It can be resurrected.
(b) It can be forgotten.
(c) It can be altered.
(d) It can be erased.

8. What is significant of Salonika?
(a) It is where Jews, Christians, and Muslims once lived in harmony.
(b) It is where Athos' ashes are strewn.
(c) It is where Jakob produces his greatest works of poetry.
(d) It is where Jakob finds information about Bella.

9. How does Jakob make a living?
(a) Teaching.
(b) Greek-English translations.
(c) Poetry.
(d) Vineyards.

10. How is Naomi described as usually being?
(a) Exuberant.
(b) Shy.
(c) Aloof.
(d) Warm.

11. Of what is Michaela afraid after visiting a museum?
(a) Becoming mummified.
(b) Her culture dying.
(c) Her lands falling into other people's hands.
(d) At the size of people in centuries past.

12. What does Michaela do for Ben?
(a) Intensifies his belief in Jakob's vision.
(b) Softens his perceptions of Jakob's pain.
(c) Lets him see the future.
(d) Lets him see the past.

13. Of what does the house remind Ben?
(a) Uninterrupted lives when Vesuvius erupted.
(b) Uninterrupted lives when Krakatoa erupted.
(c) Uninterrupted lives when an avalanche buried a Canadian town in the Rockies.
(d) Uninterrupted lives when the last tidal wave struck Japan when he was there.

14. What is Zakynthos like?
(a) In ruins.
(b) People he does not know live there.
(c) He cannot even find it.
(d) Thriving.

15. For what does Jakob yearn?
(a) A child.
(b) A way to love Michaela with no barriers.
(c) Forgetfulness.
(d) A sense of purpose now that his writings are complete.

Short Answer Questions

1. Of what is Jakob afraid concerning Michaela?

2. What is the name of Jakob's work that shows Athos' influence?

3. Of what does Michaela speak enthusiastically?

4. What do Ben and Petra do inside of getting into the bed?

5. What is the moral of the parable about the rabbi?

(see the answer keys)

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