Francie Test | Final Test - Easy

Karen English
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 129 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Francie Test | Final Test - Easy

Karen English
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 129 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What job does Francie give Prez?
(a) Pick up groceries.
(b) Milk the cow.
(c) Pick weeds.
(d) Wash the dog.

2. Francie hears Mabel say that she had been frightened by _______________________.
(a) Seeing Jesse in the woods.
(b) Rumors of a serial killer in the area.
(c) The talk of war on the news.
(d) A fire in her neighborhood.

3. Who will Juniper stay with when the family leaves?
(a) Miss Lafayette.
(b) Granny.
(c) Miss Beach.
(d) Auntie.

4. Who is the maid at the Rivers' home?
(a) Brenda.
(b) Bea.
(c) Beulah.
(d) Burnette.

5. What do the sheriff and the deputy help themselves to in Francie's house?
(a) A meatloaf.
(b) Some sandwiches.
(c) Daddy's cake.
(d) Candy.

6. How much does Francie receive for the extra work she has done at the Rivers' house?
(a) Twenty-five cents.
(b) One dollar.
(c) A dime.
(d) Fifty cents.

7. What writing is on the label of Mama's jars?
(a) Property of Lil.
(b) Big Mama's Kitchen.
(c) Made with love.
(d) Lil's Kitchen.

8. What does Mama bring home one day?
(a) A pink hat.
(b) A bicycle.
(c) A big box.
(d) A kitten.

9. What do Prez and Perry collect in a jar?
(a) Toads.
(b) Marbles.
(c) Bugs.
(d) Pebbles.

10. Francie can tell that Jesse is in the area because the watermelon is missing from the creek and _______________.
(a) She finds a sock.
(b) She sees Jesse's good luck charm.
(c) There are candy wrappers on the ground.
(d) There are signs of a campfire.

11. What does Francie's mother use on her hair to straighten it?
(a) Cocoa butter.
(b) A blow dryer.
(c) Herbs.
(d) A hot iron.

12. What does Francie reply when the Sheriff asks her what is wrong?
(a) Her dog got torn up by a bloodhound last night.
(b) Her aunt is not recovering from her baby's delivery.
(c) No one has heard from her father for weeks.
(d) Mama has come down with the flu.

13. What can Francie see of Jesse when he hides in her house?
(a) His leg.
(b) His hair.
(c) His feet.
(d) His eyes.

14. Why does Mama order Francie to retrieve the empty jars before morning?
(a) So they can re-fill them for Jesse.
(b) So no one will step on them and get cut.
(c) So the family won't get in trouble.
(d) So she can use them for canning tomorrow.

15. What does Mama throw away when she returns home?
(a) Old leftovers.
(b) Spoiled milk.
(c) The rest of the cake.
(d) Moldy bread.

Short Answer Questions

1. Mr. Early claims that his dogs can smell a__________________.

2. What does Francie tell Miss Lafayette when she sees her at the boardinghouse?

3. What do the sheriff and his deputy ask Francie and the other children?

4. Who brings Prez and Perry home?

5. What does someone from the search party throw against Mama's house?

(see the answer keys)

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