Francie Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Karen English
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 129 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Francie Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Karen English
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 129 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is the name of the young woman who approaches Francie?
(a) Aline.
(b) Alberta.
(c) Alicia.
(d) Annemarie.

2. What are the men doing in the store when Francie is there?
(a) Quietly discussing someone's illness.
(b) Unloading a shipment of products.
(c) Arguing about a bill.
(d) Arguing in the back of the store.

3. Clarissa tells Francie that she is ____________________.
(a) Writing a book.
(b) Going away to school.
(c) Learning to drive.
(d) Taking art lessons.

4. How long has Francie's daddy been gone?
(a) One month.
(b) One week.
(c) One day.
(d) One year.

5. Why does Granny say that the new baby has good fortune?
(a) She has the mark of Venus on her.
(b) She was born in a warm month.
(c) She was born between daybreak and sunrise.
(d) She came quickly into the world.

6. What does Francie catch a glimpse of in the woods?
(a) A person.
(b) A fox.
(c) A bear.
(d) A deer.

7. What does Francie do as she sits under the pecan tree?
(a) Watches the trains.
(b) Reads a book.
(c) Knits a sweater.
(d) Does crossword puzzles.

8. Whose face does Francie see on a Wanted poster?
(a) Perry's.
(b) Prez'.
(c) Paul's.
(d) Jesse's.

9. Francie's mother gives her money for coffee and ___________________.
(a) A sandwich.
(b) A doughnut.
(c) A Scooter Pie.
(d) Biscuits.

10. Which of Francie's classmates will not graduate from grammar school?
(a) Augustine.
(b) Amy.
(c) Aleen.
(d) Angela.

11. What is the ultimate destination of the young woman who approaches Francie?
(a) Florida.
(b) Washington.
(c) Maine.
(d) California.

12. What is Francie's father's job?
(a) Gardener.
(b) Train porter.
(c) Maintenance man.
(d) Waiter.

13. At whose home does Francie work?
(a) Mrs. Beaulieu's.
(b) Mrs. Voiles'.
(c) Mrs. Montgomery's.
(d) Mrs. Champ's.

14. What name does Holly call Francie when she embarrasses her in front of her guests?
(a) Nitwit.
(b) Ingrate.
(c) Ignoramus.
(d) Simpleton.

15. What sound does Francie hear as she sits under a tree reading her book?
(a) A scream.
(b) A train whistle.
(c) A gunshot.
(d) A banjo.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does a birth in the family mean for Francie's family?

2. What does Francie see Holly Grace stealing at the drug store?

3. What does Francie want to buy at Green's?

4. Who is Holly Grace?

5. Who does Francie see near the river?

(see the answer keys)

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