Forward the Foundation Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 132 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Forward the Foundation Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 132 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In Part 3, Dors Venabili, Chapter 2, Hari laments the signs of aging in him but not in whom?
(a) Raych.
(b) Mian.
(c) Dors.
(d) Wanda.

2. What is a graphical display device that forms a visual representation of an object in three physical dimensions, as opposed to the planar image of traditional screens?
(a) Hologram generator.
(b) Volumetric display device.
(c) Dimensional projector.
(d) Planetary display mechanism.

3. Part 4, Wanda Seldon, Chapter 8 describes Hari's first face-to-face meeting with whom?
(a) Chief Librarian Las Zenow.
(b) Emperor Cleon I.
(c) Dr. Mian Endelecki.
(d) Gen. Dugal Tennar.

4. How old is Wanda in Part 4, Wanda Seldon, Chapter 3?
(a) 15.
(b) 12.
(c) 5.
(d) 23.

5. Before learning his name, Hari nicknames Stettin Palver what?
(a) Fat Head.
(b) Red Cheeks.
(c) Baldy.
(d) Hook Nose.

Short Answer Questions

1. In Part 4, Wanda Seldon, Chapter 29, Hari places an emergency call to whom about his family?

2. Where did Hari return after retiring from politics in Part 3, Dors Venabili, Chapter 3?

3. Who does Manella recall being executed without trial in Part 3, Dors Venabili, Chapter 3?

4. What name does Wanda overhear in her grandfather's office that sounds like "lemonade" to her in Part 3, Dors Venabili, Chapter 26?

5. In Part 3, Dors Venabili, Chapter 22, Dors is surprised at how vehemently who wants to succeed Hari if he retires?

Short Essay Questions

1. Why does Tennar threaten to cut off funding for Hari's project in Part 3, Dors Venabili, Chapter 16?

2. What leads to the turning point in psychohistory that takes place in Part 4, Wanda Seldon, Chapter 3?

3. What has Hari done in order to ensure a coming crisis in Part 3, Dors Venabili, Chapter 20? Why?

4. When and where does Part 3, Dors Venabili begin? What is the focal subject of the first five chapters?

5. What is signified by Harry's second attack in Part 4, Wanda Seldon, Chapter 25?

6. How does Dors go about reaching the army headquarters in Part 3, Dors Venabili, Chapter 14?

7. What character is introduced in Part 4, Wanda Seldon, Chapter 2? What is the setting of this chapter?

8. How does academic freedom play a thematic role in Part 4, Wanda Seldon?

9. With whom is Hari discussing legal matters in Part 4, Wanda Seldon, Chapter 18? Why?

10. How is Wanda Seldon introduced in Part 3, Dors Venabili, Chapter 1?

(see the answer keys)

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