Fortunate Son Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Lewis Burwell Puller Jr.
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 165 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Fortunate Son Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Lewis Burwell Puller Jr.
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 165 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What did Lewis give Toddy when she visited him in the hospital?
(a) Divorce papers.
(b) A deep kiss.
(c) His grandmother's diamond engagement ring.
(d) A wedding ring on loan from Phil Leslie.

2. Why is Lewis's locker raided in Chapter 2?
(a) Because the thieves want name tags bearing the Puller name.
(b) Because Lewis is a "newbie".
(c) Lewis's friends are trying to help him stop smoking.
(d) Lewis has a forbidden stash of chocolate.

3. To what base is Lewis's father transferred in 1952?
(a) The Marine Recruit Depot in San Diego.
(b) Port Everglades in Saluda, Virginia
(c) Norfolk Naval Base in Portsmouth, Virginia.
(d) Camp Lejeune, North Carolina.

4. Why does the platoon carefully bury their garbage?
(a) To prevent the Vietcong from making booby traps.
(b) To hide their presence from the Vietcong.
(c) As part of the policy to keep the area clean.
(d) To keep wild animals out of camp.

5. Who is the first visitor to see Lewis after his injury?
(a) Captain Woods.
(b) Lewis's father.
(c) Toddy.
(d) Phil Leslie.

6. How does Sergeant Sorg assist Lewis during his military training?
(a) He carries Lewis's pack when Lewis is injured.
(b) He encourages Lewis to conquer a difficult training hill.
(c) He mediates between Lewis and Chesty.
(d) He helps Lewis study for the officer candidate exam.

7. Where is Camp 413 located?
(a) Outside Dong Ha.
(b) East of Seoul.
(c) North of Hanoi.
(d) Outside Da Nang.

8. Why does Lewis become angry with the villagers his platoon is supposed to protect?
(a) They allow enemy snipers to take refuge in their villages.
(b) They do not listen to his warnings about land mines.
(c) They refuse to help wounded American soldiers.
(d) They try to sell their daughters to his platoon.

9. What are stubbies?
(a) A group of corpsmen in charge of morale.
(b) Short artificial legs used for training amputees.
(c) A nickname for the short cigarettes rationed by the military.
(d) The pins used in bone repair.

10. To what country do young men flee to in 1967 to avoid the wartime draft?
(a) Alaska.
(b) Canada.
(c) Grenada.
(d) Cuba.

11. What painful treatment must Lewis endure to prepare his leg for surgery?
(a) Muscle building.
(b) Skin stretching.
(c) Chemotherapy.
(d) Steel pin alignments.

12. Who is Staff Sergeant Brown?
(a) Lewis's staff sergeant in Vietnam.
(b) Chesty Puller's personal assistant.
(c) Lewis's staff sergeant during officer training.
(d) Chesty Puller's replacement.

13. In Chapter 1, what responsibility does Lewis's father have at Camp Pendleton?
(a) Training troops for Korea.
(b) Reacclimating returning GIs.
(c) Gathering intelligence about German troop movement.
(d) Training troops for Vietnam.

14. What local ware does Lewis prohibit his men from purchasing at the Tu Cau Bridge?
(a) Party girls.
(b) Cigarettes.
(c) Local food.
(d) Marijuana.

15. What does Lewis prevent his troops from doing to an enemy corpse in Chapter 3?
(a) Hanging it in a tree branch.
(b) Throwing it in the river for the crocodiles.
(c) Urinating on it.
(d) Decorating it with beer cans.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who is invited to live with Toddy and Lewis while her husband is recovering from surgery?

2. In Chapter 1, why is Lewis sometimes beaten up by other boys living on base?

3. For what honor is Bob Kerrey nominated in Chapter 5?

4. Why does Lewis write long letters to his father while on duty at the Tu Cau Bridge?

5. Who is Fidget?

(see the answer keys)

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