Floaters Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 159 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Floaters Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 159 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does Letch threaten Dawn to try to convince her to give up her pimp?
(a) He threatens to contact Child Protective Services.
(b) He threatens to kidnap her child.
(c) He threatens to send Blaze to prison.
(d) He threatens to kill Oliver.

2. Who puts Fortney in the bay?
(a) Leeds when he steps on the gas suddenly.
(b) Leeds when he pushes him in.
(c) A Saudi when he drives off in his boat.
(d) A Saudi when he pushes him in.

3. For what was the Keeper of the Cup’s mother unable to forgive him?
(a) Dropping out of college.
(b) Becoming the Keeper of the Cup.
(c) Moving away from home.
(d) Not marrying.

4. The Prologue begins on what date?
(a) June 6, 1997.
(b) November 9, 1991.
(c) January 25, 1994.
(d) December 7, 1994.

5. What is the clincher that gets Simon excited in Chapter 6?
(a) Simon will become a celebrity.
(b) Blaze will go on a romantic date with him.
(c) Blaze tells Simon this scheme would bring the two of them together.
(d) Simon will be doing his patriotic duty.

6. Although the evening’s party was meant for the racing syndicates, those syndicates quickly informed who of the party’s location?
(a) The press.
(b) The cuppies and sailing-stupids.
(c) Local officials.
(d) Their spouses, partners, and lovers.

7. Why does Fortney decline having lunch in Coronado?
(a) He remembers the last time they had eaten in Coronado and ended up under the bridge when a dead body was pulled from the water.
(b) He is not in the mood to leave their bay.
(c) He is not feeling very well.
(d) He does not like any of the restaurants.

8. What does Blaze tell Dawn she will find in her new neighborhood?
(a) More Oliver Mantleberrys.
(b) A new life.
(c) Good friends.
(d) A lot of new clients.

9. On the way to their stakeout point, what does Letch tell Rita Mason?
(a) Enjoy her time as a vice cop.
(b) Keep her eyes open for Dawn Coyote.
(c) Be careful.
(d) Arrest as many Johns as she can.

10. Why is Blaze Duvall surprised when Ambrose changes their meet-up location?
(a) She does not usually allow her clients to change locations.
(b) He is usually very particular and consistent.
(c) He knows she does not like it when meet-up locations are changed.
(d) He loves their usual meet-up spot.

11. Who comes to Fortney and Leeds’ rescue in Chapter 5?
(a) Two civilians.
(b) Two vice cops.
(c) Two homicide detectives.
(d) Two lifeguards.

12. What is the reason given by Simon for why it is difficult to enter the Kiwi compound?
(a) They have surveillance cameras.
(b) They have their own hired security and barbed wire fencing.
(c) They only trust Kiwis and will not let anyone else in.
(d) They have guard dogs.

13. How does Letch respond when Dawn offers to give them someone else instead of her pimp?
(a) He says they only want the pimp.
(b) He smacks her.
(c) He laughs.
(d) He says she can give them both up.

14. What had Simon taught Miles?
(a) How to sail.
(b) How to use the travel-lift.
(c) How to keep the compound secure.
(d) How to use a crane.

15. What is the name of the hotel in which Letch and his partner, Westbrook, catch Dawn?
(a) The Dream Steam Motel.
(b) The Dreamy Motel.
(c) The Dream Scene Motel.
(d) The Dream Maker Motel.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why is Blaze concerned about Ambrose changing their meet-up location?

2. In Chapter 2, what day is it?

3. When Letch comes to check in on Dawn, how much money does he give her?

4. What do the vice cops promise Dawn?

5. Letch and Westbrook convince the motel owner it is in his best interest to allow them into what room?

(see the answer keys)

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