Fear and Loathing: On the Campaign Trail '72 Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 166 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Fear and Loathing: On the Campaign Trail '72 Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 166 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. According to the author, in what ways can deceit be considered relatively harmless?
(a) When it is used to undermine another person.
(b) When it is used to claim power.
(c) When it is used to calm the masses.
(d) When it is used to keep the peace.

2. What is the date of election day in this book?
(a) November 4.
(b) November 6.
(c) November 5.
(d) November 7.

3. How does Thompson feel about Nixon's circle of people?
(a) He finds them to be worthy of respect.
(b) He finds them untrustworthy.
(c) He finds them to be patriotic.
(d) He finds them to be very in touch with the public.

4. How did the passengers of Thompson's plane react to others trying to join them on their flight?
(a) The journalists welcome everyone on board.
(b) The journalists refuse entry to everyone else.
(c) The journalists force the newcomers to get high before getting on the plane.
(d) The journalists only allow other politicians on board if McGovern joins them.

5. During "August," from his memory of a previous campaign, what is Thompson primarily concerned about?
(a) Washing the gas from his eyes.
(b) Hanging on to his bag of marijuana.
(c) Helping a young hippie get some first aid.
(d) Recording every badge number of every police officer who used unnecessary force.

6. On the louder of the two planes in "November Continued," what does Thompson say is present?
(a) Pornography.
(b) Alcohol.
(c) Illegal drugs.
(d) Adultery.

7. In Thompson's own words, what does he initially admit to believing about Mankiewicz?
(a) Mankiewicz is a pansy.
(b) Mankiewicz is justified in his actions against the author.
(c) Mankiewicz is a gentleman.
(d) Mankiewicz is a coward.

8. What are some of the activities that take place on the wilder plane during the campaign?
(a) Fighting over seating arrangements.
(b) Sex in the aisles.
(c) Intoxication.
(d) Smoking during take off.

9. How do people who are uninterested in politics react to Thompson's writing?
(a) They read his stories merely for gossip.
(b) They boycott Rolling Stone Magazine.
(c) The disinterested begin to follow politics.
(d) They begin to buy his books.

10. During the flight in "November," to whom is Thompson referring when he discusses "rebellion amongst the docile"?
(a) The politicians.
(b) The speech writers.
(c) The constituents.
(d) The journalists.

11. In "November Continued," who is barred from flying with Thompson and the others on their plane?
(a) The politician's families.
(b) The journalists.
(c) The political staff.
(d) The stewardesses.

12. In Thompson's account of the airplane arrangements, how do several people view being forced onto the Dakota Queen II?
(a) Snobbishness.
(b) Angry.
(c) Relief.
(d) Disappointment.

13. What did Eagleton refuse to disclose to the public and to his own party?
(a) His marriage license.
(b) His police records.
(c) His military records.
(d) Mental health records.

14. How does Thompson balance his frantic writing with the long periods of boredom in "November?"
(a) Yoga.
(b) Sleeping.
(c) Reading.
(d) Intoxication.

15. In "November," what begins to plague the author?
(a) Headaches.
(b) Tingling in his limbs.
(c) Seizures.
(d) Irregular heartbeats.

Short Answer Questions

1. In the author's estimation, how is the public beginning to view Nixon?

2. In general, who flies on Thompson's preferred plane?

3. In Miami in 1972, how do the sit-ins and protests compare to Thompson's experiences on other campaign trails?

4. On the day of the election, where is the first place the personnel and press are taken?

5. How does Thompson allow his readers for the Rolling Stone to follow his journey into the political arena?

(see the answer keys)

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