Fear and Loathing: On the Campaign Trail '72 Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 166 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Fear and Loathing: On the Campaign Trail '72 Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 166 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. According to Thompson, what vote do the politicians generally look down upon?
(a) Middle-aged men.
(b) Hispanic.
(c) Elderly women.
(d) Youth.

2. At the time of this book, who employed Thompson?
(a) New York Times.
(b) Rolling Stone.
(c) Washington Post.
(d) Seattle Post-Intelligencer.

3. When Thompson reaches his destination in "January, February, into March," how do his disrespectful peers treat him?
(a) They look down on him.
(b) They all clamor for his autograph.
(c) They embarrass him.
(d) They are happy to see him.

4. How does Thompson describe the Washington D.C. journalists in "January?"
(a) They dress like bank tellers.
(b) They dress all in black.
(c) They dress in a vintage style.
(d) They dress in denim.

5. Why does Thompson believe the journalists are turning to drugs?
(a) They are not coping well with cabin fever.
(b) They are trying to get a better grasp on the younger generation.
(c) They want to experiment while away from their loved ones.
(d) They want to emulate Thompson.

6. In "June," what is significant about drug use among the journalists?
(a) It is highly secretive.
(b) It is becoming more open.
(c) It is non-existent.
(d) It is blatant and frequent.

7. What is a trademark of Thompson's writing, as evidenced in "June?"
(a) His ability to make connections between disparate events.
(b) His interviews with the candidates.
(c) His factual accounts.
(d) His frequent references to celebrities.

8. To what does Thompson compare an American campaign trail?
(a) A baseball team.
(b) A chess game.
(c) A hockey team.
(d) A football team.

9. With which group does George Wallace apparently have the most affinity?
(a) The factory workers.
(b) The middle-classes.
(c) The rich businessmen.
(d) The students.

10. What is particularly colorful about the letter exchange in "July?"
(a) Thompson reveals some secrets about Eagleton.
(b) Thompson manages to call his correspondant by several filthy names.
(c) Thompson includes a few tabs of acid with the letters.
(d) Thompson reveals the sordid parties that happen with the journalists.

11. In Thompson's estimation, in "Dark Interlude," what is the real problem with political conflicts?
(a) The politicians are not allowed any secrets.
(b) The politicians cannot have any weaknesses in front of the public.
(c) The politicians refuse to rebalance the power structure within the campaign.
(d) The politicians are not honest with each other.

12. During "January," what does Thompson say was inappropriate during the previous social setting?
(a) His clothing.
(b) Whether to bring a date or not.
(c) The socialites who would be present.
(d) The date of the event.

13. What writer's problem does Thompson discuss in "June"?
(a) Censorship.
(b) Re-using one's work over and over.
(c) Writer's block.
(d) Repetition in subject matter.

14. Who does the younger generation tend to vote like?
(a) The current President.
(b) The most exposed candidate.
(c) The celebrities.
(d) The previous generation.

15. In "January," whose vote is discussed alongside the generational voting habits?
(a) Asian.
(b) Hispanic.
(c) European immigrants.
(d) African Americans.

Short Answer Questions

1. In "July," in the ballroom, what reaction do the constituents have towards George Wallace?

2. What is one of the reasons Thompson is so famous?

3. How do politicians tend to view journalists, according to Thompson?

4. What is unusual about Thompson's description of himself in the Introduction?

5. According to Thompson, in "January," who beat Johnson in New Hampshire?

(see the answer keys)

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