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Name: _________________________ | Period: ___________________ |
This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.
Multiple Choice Questions
1. According to Thompson, what vote do the politicians generally look down upon?
(a) Elderly women.
(b) Hispanic.
(c) Middle-aged men.
(d) Youth.
2. What incident (with which he had no involvement) harms Thompson's reputation as a professional?
(a) Ten thousand naked hippies showing up to protest Nixon.
(b) A motorcycle accident.
(c) A drug bust.
(d) The drunken, belligerent behavior of the person who stole his ID.
3. How does Thompson assist a group of people in "January, February, into March" who informed him of their collective hatred for politicians?
(a) Reconstructing the motor.
(b) Flagging down a ride.
(c) Changing their oil.
(d) Getting their car on the road.
4. Besides alcohol, what drug does Thompson readily admit to using regularly?
(a) Ether.
(b) Peyote.
(c) Heroin.
(d) Marijuana.
5. At the end of "June," why does Thompson compare the journalists to a particularly notorious group?
(a) Their similar self-righteousness.
(b) Their similar drug use.
(c) Their similar anger.
(d) Their similar boredom.
6. Why is Rosey Grier not allowed to deal with Rubin's harassment on the train?
(a) It would not look good for him to rough up the journalists.
(b) It created sympathetic press for Muskie.
(c) Rubin was protected by another journalist.
(d) The other passengers threw him off the train.
7. What is one of the reasons Thompson is so famous?
(a) He has a rebellious image, though everyone tolerates him.
(b) Thompson wins the Pulitzer.
(c) Thompson marries into a famous family.
(d) Thompson single-handedly calls out an entire governmental branch on their corruption.
8. In "January, February, into March," what is the reason Thompson makes several people angry with him?
(a) He is caught with hashish.
(b) He gets very drunk in front of the President.
(c) He refuses to remove his hat.
(d) He punches Mankiewicz.
9. What campaign is Thompson covering in "Fear and Loathing: On the Campaign Trail '72?"
(a) McGovern's campaign.
(b) Wallace's campaign.
(c) Muskie's campaign.
(d) Nixon's campaign.
10. When Thompson reaches his destination in "January, February, into March," how do his disrespectful peers treat him?
(a) They embarrass him.
(b) They look down on him.
(c) They all clamor for his autograph.
(d) They are happy to see him.
11. At the time of this book, who employed Thompson?
(a) Washington Post.
(b) New York Times.
(c) Rolling Stone.
(d) Seattle Post-Intelligencer.
12. "Dark Interlude" reveals what illness that Eagleton suffers from?
(a) Bipolar disorder.
(b) Hallucinations.
(c) Epilepsy.
(d) Depression.
13. In what measurement of time is this book organized?
(a) Months.
(b) Weeks.
(c) Days.
(d) Years.
14. With which group does George Wallace apparently have the most affinity?
(a) The factory workers.
(b) The students.
(c) The middle-classes.
(d) The rich businessmen.
15. What position does Thompson assign politicians, in his analogy of the American political campaign?
(a) Batter.
(b) Goalie.
(c) The rook.
(d) Tight ends.
Short Answer Questions
1. During "January," what does Thompson say was inappropriate during the previous social setting?
2. What journalistic term does Thompson use to describe Wallace's speeches in "July?"
3. Who does Rubin claim will march down to the Convention Center in July?
4. According to Thompson, how much time do the candidates devote to meeting constituents?
5. According to Thompson, because of their origins, who do Southerners respect?
This section contains 556 words (approx. 2 pages at 300 words per page) |
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