Eragon: Inheritance Book One Test | Final Test - Medium

Christopher Paolini
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 142 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Eragon: Inheritance Book One Test | Final Test - Medium

Christopher Paolini
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 142 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Brom discover will happen within the next week at Dras-Leona?
(a) The Urgals will invade
(b) A shipment of new oil is coming in
(c) There is to be a festival
(d) Galbatorix will visit

2. Why does Murtagh explain that he didn't remove Eragon's chains?
(a) Saphira wouldn't let him near
(b) Murtagh didn't trust him
(c) Murtag didn't have the ability to undo them
(d) Brom took all his attention

3. What is Eragon told will happen if he doesn't willingly submit to the mind probing?
(a) They will be thrown back to the Krull
(b) They will be beheaded at dawn
(c) Saphira will be killed
(d) Murtagh will be killed

4. What does Murtagh NOT tell Eragon is in the Hadarac Desert?
(a) Scorpions
(b) Venomous snakes
(c) Poisonous and Inedible plants
(d) Dune people

5. When they are out of the Hadarac Desert what does Eragon decide to do to try and save the elf?
(a) Feed her chewed up food
(b) Call forth spirits to guid him
(c) Send her with Saphira to a neighboring city
(d) Connect with her mind through his powers

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Murtagh say is the reason he can't let the Twins into his mind?

2. What do they decide to do with the elf while crossing the desert?

3. What does Saphira and the others watch run by when they reach the edge of the Hadarac Desert?

4. What does Hrothgar tell Eragon is wrong with having a Rider for a king?

5. What does Murtagh tell Eragon about Zar'roc that Eragon didn't already know?

Short Essay Questions

1. Explain how Murtagh and Eragon's relationship develops in the chapter "Capture at Gil'ead?"

2. When Eragon and Saphira first enter the Hadarac Desert what does Saphira tell Eragon about the desert?

3. In the chapter "The Mourning Sage" what does Eragon dream?

4. What does Ajihad explain is the reason that Ayra had the egg?

5. What does Eragon learn from the Ra'zac that capture him and Brom outside of Dras-Leona?

6. In the chapter "Flight Through the Valley" what does Saphira say to Eragon after he exhausts himself using magic?

7. What explanation do Eragon and Saphira give to King Hrothgar when he asks them why they are with the Verdan and choose to side against the Empire?

8. Explain how Murtagh came to be an enemy of Galbatorix?

9. Explain why Eragon is so confused after Murtagh kills Torkenbrand.

10. What do Eragon and Murtagh argue about when discussing ways to escape those foiling them in the chapter "Water from Sand?"

(see the answer keys)

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