Endymion Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 113 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Endymion Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 113 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. If de Soya's ship explodes, what does this mean for the crew?
(a) Firings.
(b) True death.
(c) Scrutiny.
(d) Fake death.

2. What is the world of Lam mouth Leviathon capable of doing?
(a) Swallowing ships whole.
(b) Splitting ships open.
(c) Discinegrating ships.
(d) Stunning ships.

3. Whose resurrection is unsuccessful?
(a) Raul's.
(b) Father Gregorious.
(c) De Soya's.
(d) Nemes's.

4. Whom does Aenea believe has sent something to kill her?
(a) The Core.
(b) The Cove.
(c) The Comb.
(d) The Cave.

5. What best describes the portal Aenea and Raul enter?
(a) A world of water with a red moon.
(b) A world of water with three moons in the night sky.
(c) A jungle world with a red moon.
(d) A jungle world with three moons in the sky.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who awakens from resurrection in Chapter 49?

2. What have the many portals done over the centuries?

3. Where do Aenea and her band of heroes find themselves in Chapter 29?

4. Who contacts Aenea and Raul to tell them the Shrike has arrived?

5. In what language is the interrogation of de Soya performed?

Short Essay Questions

1. Discuss the deaths that Nemes causes in Chapter 47.

2. What happens when de Soya tours the Vatican?

3. What happens when de Soya wakes to find orders from the Pope that they have been rerouted to God's Grove?

4. What are Aenea's thoughts on the Shrike in Chapter 30?

5. What theory does Aenea reveal in Chapter 52?

6. What happens when Aenea transports through the portal into the Sol Draconi System?

7. What does Aenea tell her friends in Chapter 50?

8. What does Bettik have a dream about?

9. How does Raul almost die?

10. What happens when Raul is forced to pretend to be a fisherman?

(see the answer keys)

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