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Name: _________________________ | Period: ___________________ |
This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.
Short Answer Questions
1. Why does Philip Wise tell the children that Frederick Douglass refuses to come back to Buxton in chapter 4?
2. What story is Elijah telling Mr. Leroy in chapter 7?
3. Who is Mr. Segee?
4. Where did the preacher tell people he got the fancy pistol he carries on his hip, as Elijah explains it in chapter 4?
5. What kind of horseflies does the preacher tell everyone lives in Buxton?
Short Essay Questions
1. Who is Samuel? How does Samuel perform for Elijah and the preacher?
2. Who does Elijah trade for a cherry pie? What does he trade?
3. What method does Elijah employ in his fishing?
4. What is meant by the expression familiarity breeds contempt?
5. What does Elijah use as bait to catch his fish?
6. To whom did the preacher try to sell Elijah? For what purpose?
7. What does Mr. Travis teach besides general education? Why does this bother Elijah?
8. To whom does the preacher introduce Elijah to? For what purpose?
9. What is important about the settlement of Buxton?
10. What does Elijah's mother cook better than she bakes?
Essay Topics
Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:
Essay Topic 1
Who is Mrs. Brown? Why does Elijah mention her? What terrible loss did Mrs. Brown suffer? How does she deal with this loss? How does Elijah feel about this loss? Why does Elijah go to visit Mrs. Brown? How does Elijah compare Mrs. Brown to his own mother? What does this suggest about the community of Buxton?
Essay Topic 2
Who is the preacher? Why does Elijah not trust him? What does the preacher think is a Jesus given gift in Elijah? Why does the preacher talk Elijah into sneaking out of his house to go to the carnival? Why does the preacher want to sell Elijah to the owner of the carnival? Why does the preacher later volunteer to arrange the purchase of Mr. Leroy's family? What does he really do? Why does Elijah go after the preacher to recover Mr. Leroy's money? Does he?
Essay Topic 3
Why did Mr. Leroy want Elijah to go with him to recover his money? What purpose did Mr. Leroy need Elijah to serve for him? What happens when Mr. Leroy and Elijah arrive in the small village where the preacher gambled away all of Mr. Leroy's money? Who does Mr. Leroy think Elijah is at the end? How does Mr. Leroy die? How does Elijah react to Mr. Leroy's death?
This section contains 804 words (approx. 3 pages at 300 words per page) |
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