Elijah of Buxton Test | Final Test - Medium

Christopher Paul Curtis
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 135 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Elijah of Buxton Test | Final Test - Medium

Christopher Paul Curtis
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 135 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who does Mr. Freeman suggest go with the preacher to make a deal with John Jarvey?
(a) Mr. Leroy.
(b) Mr. Travis.
(c) Mr. Polite.
(d) Mr. Highgate.

2. Who tells Mr. Leroy that Elijah is not as smart as Emma Collins?
(a) The preacher.
(b) Mrs. Holton.
(c) Mr. Segee.
(d) Mr. Polite.

3. Who does Elijah believe Mr. Leroy wants to harm at the end of chapter 17?
(a) The preacher.
(b) Elijah.
(c) Mr. Jarvey.
(d) Mr. Highgate.

4. Who normally preaches in Buxton on Sunday mornings?
(a) Elijah's father.
(b) Mr. Taylor.
(c) Reverend King.
(d) The preacher.

5. Who injured Mr. Highgate?
(a) Villagers.
(b) Slavers.
(c) Police officers.
(d) The preacher.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Mr. Leroy say in chapter 16 in response to Mr. Freeman's warnings about the preacher?

2. What does Elijah learn has happened to the postman in Chatham in chapter 13?

3. What is Mr. Leroy wearing in chapter 19?

4. What does the refugee woman have tied to her back that Elijah recognizes when she steps out of the woods in chapter 11?

5. Why does Elijah want to attend the meeting in chapter 18?

Short Essay Questions

1. Who are the Taylors? Why have they come to Buxton?

2. What does Elijah tell Mr. Leroy about the preacher in chapter 16 that later leaves him feeling guilty and afraid for his life in chapter 17?

3. What has Mrs. Taylor been giving her infant daughter that makes her afraid for the child? Why has she done this?

4. In chapter 14, where does the community of Buxton spend their Sunday afternoon?

5. Why does Elijah's father not trust the preacher to take Mr. Leroy's money and arrange for the purchase of his family?

6. What happens to Mr. Leroy as he and Elijah prepare to go to East Lee stable in chapter 20?

7. What is the subject of the meeting that takes place in chapter 18?

8. For what reason does Mr. Leroy want to go to Michigan? Why does he want to take Elijah?

9. What is significant about Emma Collins?

10. Whom do the Duncan sisters believe Mrs. Taylor is? For what reason?

(see the answer keys)

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