Eleanor & Park Test | Final Test - Easy

Rainbow Rowell
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 135 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Eleanor & Park Test | Final Test - Easy

Rainbow Rowell
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 135 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Eleanor tell Richie she bought with the money he gave her for Christmas in Chapter 42?
(a) A dress.
(b) A necklace.
(c) New jeans.
(d) A pair of earrings.

2. How does Eleanor describe her mother's heritage in Chapter 34?
(a) She is French.
(b) She is English.
(c) She is Danish.
(d) She is Spanish.

3. What new tape has Park gotten that he is excited about in the beginning of Chapter 39?
(a) A Duran Duran tape.
(b) An INXS tape.
(c) An Elvis Costello tape.
(d) A tape by The Cure.

4. Where does Park's family go in Chapter 42?
(a) To church.
(b) To a boat show.
(c) To the movies.
(d) To Park's grandmother's house.

5. What gift does Park give to Eleanor from his mom for Christmas?
(a) A bottle of perfume.
(b) A watch.
(c) A pair of earrings.
(d) A necklace.

6. Who asks Eleanor why she is crying when she sits down to dinner with her family on Sunday in Chapter 31?
(a) Maisie.
(b) Ben.
(c) Mouse.
(d) Little Richard.

7. Whom does Eleanor describe as a "Super-hot Asian guy" in Chapter 45?
(a) Steven Yeun.
(b) Willem Defoe.
(c) John Cho.
(d) Bruce Lee.

8. What television show is Richie watching when Eleanor arrives home in Chapter 42?
(a) Mork and Mindy.
(b) Wheel of Fortune.
(c) Saturday Night Live.
(d) Jeopardy.

9. How old has Ben just turned in Chapter 32?
(a) 12.
(b) 13.
(c) 16.
(d) 15.

10. Who invites Park to go to the basketball game with him and his friends in Chapter 30?
(a) Cal.
(b) Steve.
(c) Josh.
(d) Paul.

11. Where has Ben been set up with a bedroom of his own in Chapter 32?
(a) In the basement.
(b) In the garage.
(c) In the spare bedroom.
(d) In the attic.

12. Park's father tells him in Chapter 31, "The only way I know how to land a girl is to" what?
(a) "Take her to a nice dinner."
(b) "Look sharp in a uniform."
(c) "Ask her on a date."
(d) "Take her to the movies."

13. Who is the teacher that helps Eleanor look for her clothes in the locker room in Chapter 40?
(a) Mrs. James.
(b) Mrs. Burt.
(c) Mrs. Anderson.
(d) Mrs. Thompson.

14. What is the name of the song that Park plays for Eleanor in his room in Chapter 39?
(a) "Allison."
(b) "I Want You."
(c) "Smoke and Diamonds."
(d) "Satellite."

15. What book does Eleanor say she almost got Park but that it's "about rabbits, and not everybody wants to read about rabbits" on Christmas?
(a) Animal Farm.
(b) To Have and Have Not.
(c) Watership Down.
(d) Fareneheight 451.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is the name of DeNice's boyfriend?

2. At what time does Park's father return home as he prepares to run away with Eleanor in Chapter 51?

3. What does Park insist on doing at the end of Chapter 50?

4. Where do Park and Eleanor stop to get gas and a map in Chapter 52?

5. Who calls out to Eleanor when she has fled her house in Chapter 48?

(see the answer keys)

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