Either/Or Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 136 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Either/Or Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 136 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. From who does the author say the secrecy system generally comes?
(a) The women.
(b) The parents.
(c) The men.
(d) The priests.

2. What one word does the author say can describe love?
(a) It is light.
(b) It is futile.
(c) It is excruciating.
(d) It is immediate.

3. How does the author say the young man lives?
(a) The author says the young man lives by stealing happy moments.
(b) All of these.
(c) The author says the young man lives by plundering.
(d) The author says the young man lives by creeping up unnoticed on people.

4. What is the only thing for which the author prays to God with his whole heart?
(a) That God will give him the strength never to want to love another woman.
(b) That God will give him the strength to move on after his wife stops loving him.
(c) That God will give him the patience to put up with his wife's nagging.
(d) That God will give him the judgement to know when his wife is lying.

5. What occasion caused the young man to fume according to the author?
(a) A birthday party.
(b) A church wedding.
(c) A Mayday party.
(d) A funeral.

6. What does the author say is the most intensive enjoyment?
(a) Clutching the enjoyment in the consciousness that it may vanish in the next moment.
(b) Sexual intercourse.
(c) Dreaming as if you would live forever.
(d) Drug taking.

7. Who has lost himself in another according to the author?
(a) The one who loves.
(b) The one who dodges bullets.
(c) The one who hates.
(d) The one who laughs.

8. What idea does the insane man, of whom the author writes, have fixed in his head?
(a) The insane man has the idea that his veins are filled with oil.
(b) The insane man has the idea that his heart is full of spiders.
(c) The insane man has the idea that his apartment is full of flies.
(d) The insane man has the idea that his mattress is full of butterflies.

9. What character in opera does the author say embodies the state preceding love?
(a) Wotan in THE RING CYCLE.
(b) Tristan in TRISTAN AND ISOLDE.
(c) Page in FIGARO.
(d) Don Giovanni in DON GIOVANNI.

10. According to the author, true marriage includes the religious and what other element?
(a) The pure.
(b) The sacrilegious.
(c) The erotic.
(d) The fated.

11. In what form is EITHER/OR written?
(a) In the form of an epistle.
(b) In the form of a casual conversation.
(c) In the form of a lecture.
(d) In the form of a code.

12. What does the author say he hates?
(a) All modern architecture.
(b) All imaginary constructing.
(c) All purple drapes.
(d) All women.

13. What does the author say belongs in every marriage but is missing from a marriage of convenience?
(a) The temporal.
(b) The cruel.
(c) The eternal.
(d) The erotic.

14. What is the reader to understand about the content of Kierkegaard's letter?
(a) The reader is to understand that the contents of the letter apply to King David.
(b) The reader is to understand that the contents of the letter apply to Kierkegaard's wife.
(c) The reader is to understand that the contents of the letter apply to the prophet Nathan.
(d) The reader is to understand that the contents of the letter apply to the reader himself and not to another.

15. To what kind of wedding ceremony does the author of the letter refer?
(a) A Presbyterian ceremony.
(b) A Danish Lutheran ceremony.
(c) A Roman Catholic ceremony.
(d) A United Methodist ceremony.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Byron declare about love according to the author?

2. What does first love not need according to the author?

3. What is the author's stated attitude toward these feelings?

4. What is David unable to appreciate about the parable?

5. What does the author say first love is for him?

(see the answer keys)

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