Either/Or Multiple Choice Test Questions

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 136 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Either/Or Multiple Choice Test Questions

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 136 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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Book 1, Either/Or : Chapter 1, Preface & A Fragment of Life

1. In what form is EITHER/OR written?
(a) In the form of an epistle.
(b) In the form of a casual conversation.
(c) In the form of a code.
(d) In the form of a lecture.

2. What is the opening phrase of the work?
(a) "Dear Friend,".
(b) "Hey, guy,".
(c) "Ladies and Gentlemen,".
(d) "Red Fox to Chrome Eagle:".

3. What is the first subject Kierkegaard discusses?
(a) Friendship.
(b) Passion.
(c) Hatred.
(d) Marriage.

4. What is the second subject Kierkegaard examines?
(a) Messages from distant cousins.
(b) Messages in bottles.
(c) Messages from God.
(d) Messages from yourself.

5. From whom does King David hear a parable?
(a) The prophet Joel.
(b) The prophet Ezra.
(c) The prophet Nathan.
(d) The prophet Habbakuk.

6. What does David understand about the parable?
(a) David understands Nathan is merely trying to manipulate him.
(b) David does not understand the parable at all.
(c) David understands how the parable applies to him.
(d) David understands the message of the parable.

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