Effi Briest Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 112 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Effi Briest Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 112 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does Crampas treat Effi differently than the other cast members of the play?
(a) Crampas only helps Effi memorize her lines.
(b) Crampas speaks to Effi more than anyone else.
(c) Crampas is less strict with Effi.
(d) Crampas is less attentive to Effi.

2. Who does Effi seek help from to get permission to see her daughter?
(a) Innstetten's boss.
(b) Her father.
(c) Gieshübler.
(d) The Minister's wife.

3. What song is sung at the dinner for the forester?
(a) Life Let Us Cherish.
(b) The Prussian anthem.
(c) O Tannenbaum.
(d) Schweizerlied.

4. Which castle do the von Penzes invite the Innstettens to visit with them?
(a) Aggerhuus Castle.
(b) Hohenzollern Castle.
(c) Schwerin Castle.
(d) Braunfels Castle.

5. In Chapter 22, what must Effi go to Berlin to do?
(a) Attend a ball.
(b) Purchase clothes for her family.
(c) Visit Dagobert on his deathbed.
(d) Find a house to live in.

6. What does Innstetten say is passé in Berlin?
(a) Frilly dresses.
(b) Carriages.
(c) Operas.
(d) Reading poetry.

7. In late summer after returning to her parents' house, what does Effi watch outside which leads her to catch an illness?
(a) Shooting stars.
(b) The sunset.
(c) A hot air balloon.
(d) Fireworks.

8. What is the name of Effi's character in the play that Crampas produces?
(a) Liese.
(b) Heidi.
(c) Ella.
(d) Ava.

9. In which month does Effi die?
(a) September.
(b) November.
(c) May.
(d) January.

10. Who is Wüllersdorf?
(a) Roswitha's secret lover.
(b) Innstetten's colleague at the ministry.
(c) Annie's school teacher.
(d) The Innstettens' neighbor.

11. What does Effi dislike about the preacher at Christuskirche across the street from her flat?
(a) He dwells on the Old Testament.
(b) She has seen him leer at women.
(c) She doesn't think he is pious enough.
(d) She can tell he judges her for her actions in the past.

12. At dinner in Uvagla, who offers a toast to the forester?
(a) Pastor Lindequist.
(b) Innstetten.
(c) Wüllersdorf.
(d) Güldenklee.

13. In Chapter 34, who writes to Effi's parents to say she should be with them?
(a) Dr. Rummschüttel.
(b) Effi.
(c) Innstetten.
(d) Roswitha.

14. Who flirts with Innstetten in Uvagla?
(a) Roswitha.
(b) Marietta Trippelli.
(c) Cora.
(d) Effi.

15. What does Roswitha write to Innstetten to request that he send to Effi at Hohen-Cremmen?
(a) Her wedding dress.
(b) Effi's piano.
(c) Annie.
(d) Rollo.

Short Answer Questions

1. What happens after Effi reads the registered letter?

2. Who does Innstetten ask to post some letters for him?

3. Since his duel with Crampas, what has Innstetten come to realize is important in life?

4. What play does Crampas produce in Chapter 18?

5. What is Roswitha's new household role in Berlin?

(see the answer keys)

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