Deception Point Character Descriptions

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 127 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Deception Point Character Descriptions

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 127 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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Rachel Sexton

This person is an intelligence analyst with the National Reconnaissance Office in Washington, D.C.

Senator Sedgewick Sexton

This person is the Republican hopeful for president of the United States in the book.

William Pickering/Controller

This person is the director of the National Reconnaissance Office and the mastermind behind the meteorite fraud.

Michael Tolland

This person is a world-renowned oceanographer with a weekly television series.

Gabrielle Ashe

This person is the main aide and adviser to the Republican presidential campaign in the book.

President Zachary Herney

This person is not the one favored to win in the presidential election and supports NASA.

Lawrence Ekstrom

This person is the administrator of NASA and throughout the book is the suspected mastermind behind the falsified meteorite.

Dr. Corky Marlinson

This person is an astrophysicist and one of the four civilian scientists sent to the Arctic to verify the...

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