Death of an Expert Witness Test | Final Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 160 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Death of an Expert Witness Test | Final Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 160 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. What do the detectives immediately see upon opening the chapel door?

2. What are Massingham and Dalgliesh doing when they hear chapel bells?

3. What seems paradoxical about Mr. Lorrimer when he speaks of his son?

4. Where is Doyle parked the night of the murder of Lorrimer?

5. About whom is Dalgliesh thinking as he is in his motel room?

Short Essay Questions

1. How does Dalgliesh sum up his investigation so far at the end of the first day?

2. What does Dalgliesh learn upon interviewing Inspector Doyle?

3. What does Dalgliesh ask Domenica and Howarth and what astounds the detectives with Domenica's reply?

4. What does Major Hunt tell Dalgliesh and Massingham about Dr. Lorrimer's will?

5. Describe Maxim Howarth's thoughts about Domenica?

6. Describe Brenda Pridmore's walk through the construction site.

7. Why is Brenda Pridmore's mother upset and what does she want Brenda to tell Dalgliesh?

8. What does Dalgliesh learn from Domenica about Dr. Lorrimer?

9. Describe Inspector Doyle.

10. What does Angela Foley do when she learns of Stella's death and what does Dalgliesh believe about the death?

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

One of the themes of the novel, as alluded to over and over, is the idea that the investigation into a crime disregards all claims to privacy. Discuss the following:

1. Trace and analyze the ways in which Dr. Lorrimer's privacy is violated after his death. Is this right and necessary? Is there any way to conduct an investigation to discover his murderer without violating his privacy?

2. Not only is Dr. Lorrimer's privacy violated, but so, too, is the privacy of several other characters. Discuss two other characters (besides Dr. Larrimer) whose privacy is violated in the course of the murder investigation. Is this invasion of privacy right? Necessary? Is there any way to conduct an investigation to discover the murderer without violating these people's privacy?

3. In the "real" world, many times the privacy of the victim's and perpetrator's families are also violated. Do you believe the police and press have the right to invade innocent people's privacy? What can be done to minimize the effects of this on the families of those involved in a crime? Do you think the criminal's family deserves as much respect to privacy as the victim's family? Why or why not? Do Nell and William deserve privacy?

Essay Topic 2

Nell Kerrison is introduced in the first few chapters. Though she may not be considered a major character, her emotional problems are what ultimately inadvertently condemn her father as a murderer. Additionally, her father chooses to confess his crimes in order that Nell does not have to testify against him. Discuss the following:

1. Briefly analyze Nell's character. What are her strengths and weaknesses. How do her weaknesses cause problems for Dr. Kerrison?

2. Do you believe Dr. Kerrison loves William more than Nell? Why or why not? Use specific examples.

3. What sort of impact do you think it will have on Nell when she realizes she exposes her father as a murderer?

Essay Topic 3

Probably one of the most important literary techniques in a detective novel is foreshadowing. However, much of the foreshadowing is only obvious by the end of the book. P.D. James gives plenty of clues as to the outcome of the main plot and so the reader should not be totally in the dark by the end of the book. Discuss the following:

1. Find ten instances of foreshadowing in earlier parts of the book and discuss how they are fulfilled later in the book.

2. Besides foreshadowing, many mysteries contain many devices sometimes called "red herrings." Define red herring and then discuss five examples of that in the book.

3. Why do you think foreshadowing is inherent in a murder mystery? What would be the effect on the story if there were no foreshadowing? What if there were no red herrings?

(see the answer keys)

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